So Very Gentle

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After they had cleaned up the kitchen they settled down on the sofa in the living room, their need to claim and care momentarily sated. Their touches weren't so desperate and urgent anymore, now they were slow and full of wonderment, exploring each other's body without any haste.

Caden really liked to feel the smooth heat of Ajax' body underneath his fingertips. It was fascinating and made him tingle all over how strong and warm the lion was and how he wrapped Caden up better than any blanket in the world.

Their breaths mingled, their faces separated by only a few inches of warm air. Caden noticed some tiny golden flecks in a sea of green and his breath hitched when he realized that he was perhaps the first one to get close enough to see them.

Ajax moved a tiny bit closer so their lips nearly touched and Caden's heartbeat sped up.

They had never kissed before. They had already caressed every available inch of skin and were completely at ease when they were naked around each other however they had never kissed before. Led by instincts they had been too caught up in mingling their scents and wooing each other like animals would do. And animals certainly didn't kiss.

So now that the initial heat had subsided they could think clearer again and the human instincts took over. And humans certainly did kiss.

Caden felt nervous, afraid of being clumsy or too inexperienced - like, no experience at all - or Ajax not liking it. Hell, it was the magical first kiss and of course he didn't want to fuck up.

Ajax rubbed his back and tucked a stray strand of his messy hair behind his ear and Caden blushed. He felt like a cub all over again.

"Relax," the lion whispered and he nodded shakily. There was a first time for everything, he didn't need to pee his - or rather Ajax' - pants because of it.

The first brush of their lips was electric. It ignited a fire inside of him that urged him to get another taste, this time longer so he could actually feel the soft skin and the skillfull movements. Ajax sucked on his lower lip and Caden groaned, his eyes rolling back. The lion chuckled quietly and licked the already slightly swollen flesh.

For a few minutes they just let their lips brush, enjoying every sensual contact before Ajax carefully slipped his tongue into Caden's mouth who twitched at the foreign feeling and gripped Ajax' shoulders tighter.

Caden imagined that Ajax kissed just like he fought - fierce, pouring everything he got into it, straightforward taking everything he wanted and he gave it to him without any resistance. Yet he was gentle, so very gentle and Caden felt his throat clog up with emotion. He couldn't remember being touched so gently.

The lion sifted his fingers through Caden's hair and gripped it so he could tilt his head back with a slight tug that made Caden gasp and squirm. They gazed at each other breathlessly, trying to show the other one how they felt, how a single kiss made their toes curl, their blood rush and their hearts skip a beat. Before anyone could utter a word their lips met again, hungry for the newly found sensations.

Caden lost himself in the pleasure, in the sensual dance their tongues were caught up in, and he simply felt it all.

Long after their passion had died down and their craving was satisfied they still lay on the sofa, occasionally nipping at each other's lips and relishing in the after glow. They didn't speak instead they communicated silently, a twitch at the corner of the mouth or a meaningful glance.

However, Ajax broke the silence, his voice still raw with desire.

"Pan is right," he muttered lowly and Caden furrowed his brows in confusion. "The pride wants to know what's up and then they'll want to meet you."

"I don't think I'm ready to meet a whole lion pride," Caden choked out while a deep sense of fear settled in his stomach. If they wanted to they could easily tear him to shreds.

"They'll behave," Ajax promised and kissed his nose. Caden grumbled and buried his face against the lion's chest.

"I don't want to," he complained.

"I won't force you but it's better if they know," Ajax explained patiently while lazily stroking his back and Caden arched involuntarily into the caress.

"They won't like me," he replied gloomily and Ajax shook his head.

"So what?"

Caden didn't elaborate and instead tried to untangle himself though Ajax easily pinned him down on his back.

"Don't try to get away from me," he rumbled and there was again this wilderness in his eyes that made Caden obey immediately. He bared his throat as a sign of submission and the lion sniffed it before licking one of the hickeys he had left three hours prior.

Without warning he swept down and plundered Caden's mouth relentlessly. He was kissing him like there was no tomorrow and Caden keened and groaned, his thoughts a jumbled mess. He was trapped beneath the other man and his squirming only succeeded in riling both of them up even more.

Ajax bit into his lip, not drawing blood but shifting Caden's complete focus on himself and making him still underneath his bigger body.

"Don't do that ever again," he whispered hoarsely and Caden nodded wide-eyed. His heart was beating frantically and his mouth was dry. He wasn't exactly afraid of Ajax or what he could do but he had a healthy amount of respect for the lion.

"Good," Ajax purred and rubbed their cheeks together. Caden dared to relax and yowled quietly whereupon Ajax shushed him with a sweet kiss.

"Everything's going to be okay," he calmed him and sat up, pulling Caden with him so he ended up on the lion's lap. His legs were spread and he shifted uncomfortably, his cock having way too much freedom to do as it pleased in those sweats.

Ajax groaned upon scenting his arousal and Caden wanted to hide in a dark corner. He blushed scarlet but managed to stay seated as to not anger the lion who was still holding him without any intention of letting go in the near future.

"Shit," Ajax cursed and ran his nose along Caden's jawline. "Your scent is irresistible."

"S-Sorry," Caden squeaked and tried everything to calm down but his body ignored his attempts.

"No need to be sorry." Ajax stood up and carefully placed Caden on his own two feet. He had to grip the lion's arms for a few seconds until he got his balance back and breathed a sigh of relief when his nearly painful excitement finally dwindled a tiny bit.

"I've got a spare toothbrush," Ajax offered with one of his rare smiles and intertwined their hands to lead him to the stairs.

Caden couldn't hold back the grin when he unwrapped said toothbrush and Ajax handed him the toothpaste like it was entirely normal to do so. He watched himself and Ajax in the mirror, both of them brushing their teeth with the minty foam. It was something so mundane, nevertheless he looked forward to doing it and all those other boring things with Ajax every day.

Perhaps even for the rest of his life.

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