The Art Of Becoming Happy

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"I missed something, didn't I?" Robin's voice sounded confused and sleepy. Obviously he just crawled out of bed.

Caden and Ajax still hadn't moved from their spot at the back door, Ajax' hands leisurely wandering over Caden's body and making him sigh contently now and then while his own hand had long ago slipped from the door handle.

Upon the arrival of the other lion Ajax growled territorially and bit down on Caden's neck to show everyone who he belonged to. Caden cried out, unsure if it was painful or pleasurable. Ajax licked the abused spot soothingly and Caden sighed in relief.

"Mine," Ajax muttered before kissing the sensitive area underneath his jaw.

"Yes, I did," Robin answered his own question and switched on the coffee machine as if it was totally normal for two men to make out in his kitchen.

Ajax eased off of Caden a bit just to spin him around and grab his butt so he could hoist him up. Caden reflexively wrapped his legs around the lion's hips, eliciting a moan from both of them at the sudden friction. He clung on to Ajax' broad shoulders and sniffed his mouthwatering scent. Why hadn't they done this earlier?

"I don't want to intrude or something but you're both kind of, err, naked," Robin remarked embarrassed and stared steadfastly at the gurgling coffee machine. Ajax only chuckled and squeezed happily Caden's cheeks.

"You still don't want to come with me?" he asked and Caden hummed.

"I'm not entirely convinced, to be honest," he teased and earned an animalistic growl in response.

"Then I have to convince you," Ajax replied determinedly.

"Can you, like, don't do it in the kitchen? We're eating here, you know?" Robin butted in a second time, his face as red as a tomato.

"Don't be jealous, sugarplum," his brother chided him though he showed mercy and carried Caden into the living room.

"About that convincing" he trailed off, a cheeky smile on his face and Caden just stared at him for a few seconds, totally transfixed by the rare sight.

"You're stunning when you smile," he blurted out and instantly wanted to bang his head against the wall. Was he nuts? Why the fuck would he say that? Quickly he buried his face against Ajax' shoulder to avoid witnessing his reaction.

The lion turned his head and affectionately nipped at Caden's ear, making him squeak in surprise.

"You're stunning whatever you do," he replied fondly and the familiar heat shot into Caden's cheeks. He hissed halfheartedly whereupon Ajax squeezed his ass again. If he kept that up Caden would have to do something about it.

He wondered anyway how and why the grumpy carnivore had disappeared, leaving him with a cuddly lap cat. And all of this in the matter of a single hour! However he wasn't about to complain and would enjoy the affection as long as possible.

"So, what can I do to convince you?"

"You can stop groping my ass like a caveman," Caden deadpanned and squirmed slightly.

"It's a very nice ass," Ajax commented sincerely. "I could also just drag you in my den. Like a caveman if you insist."

Caden had no doubt that he would actually do that so he simply huffed and accepted his temporary position wrapped around the lion's body. Not that he could complain about how it felt, it admittedly felt pretty good, amazing even.

"I could cook for you," Ajax bribed him and Caden looked at him doubtfully. "I'm a good cook! When I was younger I was obsessed with learning it so I could provide for my partner one day."

"You're weird," Caden murmured but kissed his jaw at the same time before tightening his hold and resting his head on Ajax' shoulder. "Come on, drag me to your den."

"I knew you couldn't resist the prospect of food," Ajax rejoiced smugly. "Although you're a bit skinny."

There was worry in his voice and Caden closed his eyes to savor the fact that somebody was actually caring about him. It felt good, more than good.

Ajax strutted out of the house - Kaliska tried to convince him to at least slip on a pair of sweats but he ignored her - and Caden shivered when the cold autumn air bit into his unprotected skin. The lion rubbed his back and he purred quietly.

Of course he knew that they both were running mainly on instincts - hence the need to be as close as humanly possible to each other - and that things would change when they finally cooled down a bit. However he didn't want to think about it just yet and still believed that somehow they could make it work. Somehow it would be okay that they both were males and had some issues. Somehow Caden would be able to protect Ajax from any hunters.

Somehow he would be there.

The lion carefully lowered him into the car seat and even went as far as to buckle him up like a child. Caden glared at him but Ajax was totally unaffected and climbed into the truck on the driver's side. It was strange to be trapped in a vehicle after so long and fear clogged his throat. He still remembered the beast the hunters had used to push Michael's old, blue truck up the mountain after their visit to Dayton.

When they pulled out of the driveway an elderly couple stared shocked at them from behind their fence on the other side of the street. But Caden honestly didn't care at the moment. Tomorrow or in a few days he would probably groan and punch Ajax for embarrassing him like that but now it didn't matter what anybody thought about them. Yes, they were naked, so what? Nobody forced those people to look at them. There was probably a law that forbid running around naked in public but he couldn't care less. He was pretty sure he already broke the law when he ate this rabbit because it was at least theft or even murder.

Ajax placed his hand on Caden's tight and he shuffled closer while intertwining their fingers. Was he a special bee because of this? Probably. But again, he didn't care. He would be anything as long as he could be near Ajax.

Curiously he watched the lion who was focused on the almost empty street. Stubble covered his jaw and his blond hair was disheveled. A few hardly noticeable freckles littered his nose and cheeks and Caden had to refrain from making any weird noises upon spotting them. Never would he tell Ajax that the freckles were pretty cute.

In spite of everything there was still a certain hardness in Ajax eyes, as if there was still some sort of battle going on inside of him. Caden frowned confused. Maybe it was indeed strange to have a male partner but it was not the end of the world. It would take some getting used to but he hoped against all odds that they would be happy someday in the future.

He really wanted to be happy again.

Ajax gently squeezed his hand and Caden bit his lip to stop himself from grinning like a fool.

Somehow they would make it work.

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