New Hunting Grounds

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Caden wandered aimlessly through the woods when he picked up a painfully familiar scent he hadn't smelled in what felt like an eternity. Instantly his ears perked up and he took a deep breath to savor it as long as possible. Memories he thought he had buried a long time ago suddenly flooded his mind again and a barely audible chirp escaped him.

Unconsciously he followed the delicious fragrance and told himself that it was just to make sure there was no danger. Just checking.

Saliva pooled in his mouth and he huffed quietly. The scent had made him hungry and he thought that a little taste wouldn't harm anybody.

He reached the edge of the forest and watched intently for humans before crossing the open field. His heart thumped hectically in his chest when his claws hit the tarmac for the first time.

Soundlessly he slipped in the narrow alleyway and sniffed curiously to make out the source of this heavenly scent. Of course he knew that he shouldn't be here and that it was dangerous but he couldn't resist.

He stalked deeper into the gap between the two buildings and neared his target. A chunky box hung at the side of the building and vibrated with a constant hum. Warm air was blown out of the slots and it was this air that had lured him in.

Disgruntled he glared up at it, his tail flicking back and forth. He had definitely expected something else and the box didn't look tasty at all. Therefore he turned his back on it and explored the alley some more to ease the boredom.

More than a few humans had relieved their bladder here and he readily lifted his hind leg to cover their marks with one of his own. There was also a condom laying on the ground which he avoided at all costs. No thanks.

And then there was this big box on wheels. A trash can. Flies circled it and slipped under the half open lid.

Caden was more interested in the plastic bag next to it which obviously didn't fit anymore into the trash can. Curiously he pawed at it and then stuck his nose in the opening. His eyes nearly rolled back in ecstasy.

Furiously ripping open the bag he revealed the contents which seemed to be fairly fresh. The humans deemed it garbage but he wasn't about to let this opportunity pass.

Greedily he dug in, nearly choking on some fries. Fuck, there were even mozzarella sticks! He inhaled the food like a starved man.

A door fell shut and he whipped his head around. A man was standing there, a cigarette was dangling from his mouth and the hand with the lighter raised halfway. He stared at Caden with big eyes.

Caden hissed warningly and revealed his canines to scare the shocked man off who luckily seemed to be too stunned to move. Cautiously he backed out of the alley but always kept an eye warily on the human. After all he could hide a small gun under his apron.

The man swung open the door and scrambled back inside and Caden took it as his cue to leave. He sprinted across the open field and into the protection of the trees before glancing back over his shoulder to make sure nobody had followed him.

Adrenaline pumped through his veins and his tail flicked nervously back and forth. That had been a close one.

He wasn't safe yet so he jogged further into the woods. His tongue slipped out to clean off some morsels that stuck to his muzzle and he grumbled contently at the divine taste. There was nothing better than mozzarella sticks.

Later Caden lay on a patch of moss and thoroughly cleaned his fur when he heard steps coming in his direction. He stopped what he was doing and watched his surroundings attentively.

His muscles were tense, ready to fight or bolt any second if necessary.

Whoever was out there tried to be as silent as possible and it unsettled Caden immensely. He got up and crept away through the brush to avoid an unpleasant encounter.

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