Aunt Helen

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Caden watched the trees zoom by and listened to the constant hum of the tires on the pavement. He couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if he had never come to Willow Creek. He would still be somewhere out there and this pride wouldn't have to fear hunters and their guns. A little voice in the back of his mind warned him that he would ruin their lives just like he had ruined Michael's. Maybe he was like a bad omen, a sign that death was on his way. All those people were influenced by his presence and the thought alone made him want to bolt immediately.

Just like the thought that he would meet those people in less than an hour. He had driven Ajax nuts this afternoon with his fearful questions.

What if they didn't like him?

What if his parents wanted him to mate with this lioness?

Perhaps they were okay with him staying in their territory but he wasn't so sure about their reaction when they found out that he was more than a charity project. Surely they wanted to have grandchildren and he definitely wasn't able to get pregnant.

And what if he embarrassed himself in front of the whole pride?

Or worse, Ajax?

He didn't want to be that clumsy cougar for the rest of his life. Oddly, he wanted to be accepted by them and he wanted to be a part of their pride.

He sighed and Ajax took his hand, squeezing it reassuringly. Caden leaned back in his seat and drew strength from the simple contact. Over and over Ajax had told him that everything would be fine but he would have to see it to believe it.

Ajax made a right turn to the bumpy dirt road that led to his parents house. Caden began nervously plucking at the hem of his sweater.

Seemingly, Pan had been let in on the colors and themes of the gathering because he had visited them just after lunch. He had carried a bag with clothes and claimed that he was here by order of Ajax' mother with the instructions to make Caden look good. It had been hell to try on all those scratchy clothes which smelled new and of dye and plastic. Therefore Caden had buried the sweater and the pants he was supposed to wear under a pile of Ajax' laundry to get some of the man's mouthwatering scent onto them. He still wanted to rip them off and go back to wearing Ajax' clothes.

"Do you think-" he started but Ajax cut him off.

"Stop worrying."




"No." Ajax looked at him, daring him to ask another question about the gathering. Caden stuck out his tongue at him and went back to looking out of the window.

Although it was only around five o'clock the light was already fading, the world turning into a kaleidoscope of different shades of grey. The trees' bark seemed to be more rough, their shadows deeper and the movements of their branches ghostly. But Caden knew that the woods were often not as dangerous as the human settlements. The woods always protected and nurtured their inhabitants while the humans were driven by greed and the need to destroy anything in their wake.

Of course there were carnivores in the woods and smaller animals had to live with the constant fear of suddenly being snatched up and killed but it was a part of nature's balance. As cruel as it sounded, there had to be death so life could exist. He had killed enough times to know that.

They arrived at the house a few minutes later and Caden watched the front door warily, expecting a group of lions to emerge and tackle him. Nothing happened - aside from a moth flying repeatedly against the glass of a lit lantern - and he took Ajax offered hand to hop out of the truck.

The lion looked good as always with faded jeans and a black T-shirt that was so tight on his body that it looked like it was directly painted onto his skin. His hair was darker in the sparse light, making it nearly appear brown, and the silky strands were mused artfully. However he hadn't spent more than five seconds in front of the mirror and in contrast, Caden had fought with his hair about fifteen minutes and it still looked like some sparrows had tried to nest on his head. Life obviously wasn't fair.

"Ready?" Ajax inquired softly and Caden smiled wobbly.

"No," he muttered and lent against the side of the black truck. He felt the cold through the sweater but he would rather freeze to death than face the lions.

Ajax emitted that rumble from deep within his chest and Caden closed his eyes to savor the calming sound. Gently he placed his hands on the other man's chest and felt the slight vibrations, too.

"There's nothing to be afraid of," Ajax mumbled while he rubbed his cheek against the side of Caden's head. The cougar purred quietly and returned the gesture of affection.

"I'm not afraid," he concluded. "I'm scared as fuck."

Ajax chuckled amused though he tried to cover it up with a cough. "It's just a bunch of people."

"People who can use me as a chew toy if they want to," Caden said sarcastically and wrapped his arms around the lion's lean waist.

"You survived dinner with my parents," Ajax reminded him and Caden rolled his eyes.

"Back then you were your grumpy self and I wasn't- What are we actually?" he asked curiously and felt heat shoot into his cheeks. Sometimes he really needed to think about what he said.

"You're mine and I'm yours," Ajax answered seriously and Caden felt himself nodding dumbly. That sounded so much better than couple or boyfriend or dating.

"You didn't tell me what I have to do," he pointed out as calm as possible although the question had bothered him the whole day.

Like, would there be some ritual? A speech? Damn, was he supposed to say something? The lion's were in for a surprise when he only managed to chirp at them like a cub. But perhaps that was a good strategy to avoid being eaten.

"Look nice." Ajax took a step back and looked him up and down before licking his lips. Caden took it as a sign that, yes, he looked nice.

A startled squeak escaped him when Ajax suddenly slammed him against the truck and swept down to mercilessly plunder his mouth. Caden moaned and gripped his shoulders tightly, kissing him back just as fiercely.

Ajax wedged a thigh between Caden's legs and he gasped at the tingling pleasure it caused.

"I don't want to share you with them," Ajax growled possessively and sucked on the sensitive skin of Caden's neck. "Mine, all mine!"

He abandoned the hickey and licked Caden's lips before kissing him again. His kiss was dominating and Caden could do nothing else than let it happen. To be honest, it was a pretty good way to stop him from worrying.

"Come in, boys, it's too cold to fuck outside!"

Caden whirled around in Ajax' hold and stared embarrassed at the woman standing in the doorway. A moment later she turned around and disappeared back into the house.

"Who was that?" he asked, petrified that he had already committed a moral crime in front of a pride member. Ajax' pained expression did nothing to soothe his nerves.

"My aunt Helen."

That really didn't sound good.

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