Cat Play

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Caden chewed his bottom lip while they listened to the phone's dialing tone. Maybe he was lucky and nobody picked up?

"Ajax, hello, did you set the kitchen on fire?"

"No," Ajax answered dryly.

"What's up then? That's the only reason I can think of," his mother mused and Caden screwed his eyes shut because he just couldn't look anymore. Ajax rubbed his back soothingly.

"I need you to organize a gathering," he proclaimed and his mother, Jade, chuckled.

"So the rumors are true," she commented and Caden had to keep himself from snatching the phone and throwing it against the wall. Why the hell did he agree? Why?

"Do you prefer a specific date? Any wishes? Special food, a theme for the decorations?" she inquired assiduously and Ajax grumbled lowly.

"Order some pizza and put beer in the fridge, that's enough," he interjected and Caden peeked an eye open to look at him. The lion seemed to be slightly annoyed but not enough to be threatening. Not that Caden could feel threatened around him.

"Ajax, you're my boy and you're about to introduce your chosen one not only to your parents but to the whole pride," she reprimanded him. "I can ignore the lack of a cake with white frosting and roses however it's not a football game so you better dress up nice and compliment my decorations."

"Yes, mother," he sighed obediently and Caden giggled when he made a funny face at the phone.

"That's what I like to hear." She sounded very pleased at her victory. "Back on topic, when do you want it to take place?"

Ajax glanced at Caden and squeezed his neck to calm him down. "As soon as possible; tomorrow?"

"Perfect! I'll let you know about the colors so you can make sure to pick out matching clothes," she informed them and Caden felt the nervousness reaching a new high. Colors? Matching clothes? What the hell?

"Okay," Ajax mumbled into the phone. "Thanks."

"Oh, no need to thank me. Say hi to your kitty!"

The line went dead and Caden was sure that he was hyperventilating by now. Not only did he have to meet a bunch of dangerous lions but he had to think about colors and themes, too. Just thinking about what could possibly go wrong made him feel nauseous.

Ajax grumbled comfortingly and took his hands which he wrung nervously in his lap. Caden looked up and smiled shakily.

"Don't worry," Ajax whispered and brushed his lips against Caden's. He closed his eyes and savored the taste of his lion as they kissed slowly.

"You're mine," Ajax breathed out afterwards, an animalistic fire in his eyes that showed Caden just how possessive the man was. It made him blush and the corners of his mouth twitched upwards.

"Your kitty," he repeated the words his soon-to-be mother in law had used.

A breathtaking grin spread out on Ajax' face and he laughed gruffly. "My kitty."

"Do you want to shift?" Ajax asked after they had made out on the counter in a way that was far too dirty for a kitchen. Caden blinked dazed, his body tingling all over and a happy fog in his head. Ajax just chuckled and carried him outside into the backyard where the cold brought Caden back to reality somehow.

The garden was surrounded by high fences and bushes so no neighbor could see what was going on and they could undress and shift without having to fear nosy onlookers. Caden nearly moaned at the feeling of being in his animal form again but it thankfully came out as a less embarrassing purr. He dropped to the ground to roll through the slightly damp grass and Ajax came over, nudging him with his big snout. Caden paused and took in the sight before him.

The lion was big, easily twice his weight and size and dwarfing him with his burly body that was covered in honey colored, short fur. Where the mane was of a light color around the face, it became darker towards the outside and Caden pawed at it, fascinated by the thick hair. Ajax snorted and nudged his exposed belly again whereupon Caden gave a quiet cry. The lion affectionately licked his face and he couldn't hold back the content purr.

He wondered if he looked as perfect as Ajax but dismissed the thought immediately. Of course not; his fur was a dirty, reddish brown color, he was not as impressive as the other cat and he certainly didn't sport a mane. He was simply ordinary.

He came to his feet and rubbed himself against the other carnivore who grumbled pleased at that. Caden nipped the black tip of his tail and scoffed when Ajax whirled around and glared at him playfully.

When the alpha male pounced, he scrambled to get away and yowled when he got pinned down a few moments later. There was no way he could throw off a grown lion so he accepted his fate and relaxed. Ajax crouched over him, sniffing him and licking his fur. Caden squirmed, wanting to get rid of some pent up energy, and the lion begrudgingly let him stand up.

Happily, Caden circled the bigger cat and swatted daringly at his head to convince him to play with him. Ajax huffed, however he accepted the challenge and chased Caden through the backyard.

It was good, really good, perfect even. Both of them seemed to be at ease while they ran through the garden like cubs, rolling around in the grass carelessly and not wasting a thought about anything else aside from this moment right now.

Furthermore it gave their inner animals time to bond and to discover completely new sides on each other. This way Caden found out that Ajax absolutely loved holding him down and watching him squirm whereas he hated having his tail chased although the black tip was basically an invitation to do so.

Unfortunately, Ajax found out that grooming the area under Caden's chin made him become putty in his hands or rather paws. It wasn't surprising that their play time ended with the cougar lying belly up, head thrown back and purring loudly while the lion groomed him extensively. His fur was wet and dirty by now and his claws had left visible marks in the earth so the high grass came in handy because it covered them up quite good.

A light drizzle set in and Ajax shook his head with a huff, little water droplets flying everywhere. He nudged Caden to stand up and led him to the back porch where they shifted. Instantly, Caden felt the cold biting into his exposed skin and he slipped through the door in front of Ajax who boldly brushed his hand over his naked ass.

"Ajax!" he squeaked in surprise and glared at the lion who smiled innocently.

"Come on, let's take a shower to warm up," he suggested, took Caden's hand and dragged him to the bathroom. It sounded like a good idea - especially since there was a lot of dirt and grass stuck on his skin - but he couldn't help but wonder if their second shower together would be like the first one.

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