On A Stake

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Caden loved and hated this foggy, warm and disoriented state right after waking up.

He loved it because there were no thoughts, worries or expectations yet and he could relish in the feeling of being warm and well rested while comfortable heaviness weighed his body down and kept him from reality just a few seconds longer.

However, he hated it because it made him think that everything was alright, that Michael was here and his life had never spiralled out of control. Just a few seconds that used to leave him with an emptiness in his chest which made him cry out in agony. He didn't want them if they weren't real.

Today was different. Of course there was still a certain feeling of loss but he was more focused on the manly scent he seemed to be floating in. The more he came to his senses the more he remembered and his breath hitched when he thought about yesterday.

They had kissed. A lot.

Carefully he touched his lips but they didn't feel any different, just a little chapped and in need of some care.

Shit, they had really kissed. With tongue and everything. It was surreal.

He pressed his face in the pillow to hold in the insane giggle.

When those funny moments of post-waking had passed he stretched and his hand instinctively searched for Ajax on the other side of the bed that was surprisingly empty but still warm. He blinked to clear his vision and noticed the open bathroom door. Furthermore, he could hear the slight trickling of water and the lion's steady breathing and wondered if it was okay to join him in the shower. After all, they had kissed. Before he could panic over deciding what to do Ajax pushed the glass door open and stepped out on the rug.

Caden nearly moaned at the sight.

The sun kissed skin glistened with water, accentuating the wiry muscles and meaningful scars, while the dirty blond hair seemed to be darker now in it's wet condition and was haphazardly pushed back. Caden wanted to lick every droplet off of this godly body but the towel bet him to it.

His gaze followed the trail of the towel from those pecs over the tantalizingly flexing abs and down to his protruding pelvic bones. And then, after a moment of shy hesitation, further down.


"I like to keep myself hairless," Ajax commented and Caden wanted the ground to swallow him up wholly at being caught starring. "I hope you don't mind."

"N-No, I d-don't." 'It only makes you look even bigger', he thought and instantly blushed because of it. Hell, there wasn't even someone he could compare Ajax with besides himself and he didn't know if he was little or normal or whatever.

The lion discarded the towel on the foot of the bed and crawled to Caden on the mattress. It made him feel like prey and his body trembled in anticipation. Ajax stopped a hair's breadth in front of him, his green eyes sparkling mischievously.

"Good morning, kitten," he greeted teasingly.

Caden wanted to hiss at him for using this nickname - he really wanted to - but Ajax sealed his lips with his own and every coherent thought flew out of the window. Ajax chuckled when he withdrew way too early whereupon Caden huffed miffed.

After soothingly stroking his cheek the lion went to the wardrobe and pulled out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and shrugged the clothes along with underwear and socks on. Caden scooted to the edge of the bed and put on some clothes himself.

"You can stay in bed if you're still tired," Ajax offered with a caring expression. "I'm just going for a run and will be back in about an hour with fresh buns from the bakery."

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