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The reflection in the mirror was still something Caden wasn't used to. The possibility it could be him was just so far-fetched.

Yet it was him.

He took a deep breath and let his gaze travel over his body for the last time. A pair of jeans hugged his legs and was held up by a belt, his torso was covered with a comfortable black t-shirt and his hair didn't look like a bird's nest for a change. Nevertheless his nerves sky-rocketed when he thought about the family dinner.

Would Robin's parents even tolerate his presence? He was a cougar and they were lions; it was only a natural reaction for them to chase away any other carnivores. He had no chance against a whole pride if they decided to get rid of him.

"Caden? Are you ready?" Robin asked, his voice muffled through the closed bathroom door.

"Y-Yes," Caden replied shakily. Damn, he really had to stop being a scaredy-cat.

His lips moved into a lopsided smile that was anything else than encouraging. Why did his face have to look like that? It was not totally ugly but there wasn't anything he could be proud of. Why Oliver had drunken Latte Macchiato with him was still a mystery.

Caden stopped his thoughts before they could wander further into his past and nodded at his reflection. Showtime.

Kaliska was not happy with his choice of clothes - she wore an elegant turquoise cocktail dress - however she didn't comment on it and simply ushered him to the car after she had locked the front door. The evening was not that cold but Robin's parents lived a fair distance out of town so it was easier and more comfortable to get there in the car.

Caden sat quietly in the back, a man on the radio told them the forecast for the coming week and Kaliska checked her lipstick in a ridiculous small hand mirror.

He could only wonder how he had managed to land in this situation. It was something he only had read about in books and it felt odd to witness it now with his own eyes. It was so painfully normal!

Robin steered the car up a winding drive-way to a two-storey house. The porch was illuminated by a few lanterns and a big truck was already parked in front of it. The black varnish shone in the dim light and Caden shivered involuntary.

The forest began nearly right next to the house yet the lawn was immaculate without any weeds or roots sticking up. Three steps led them up to the porch and Caden fidgeted nervously while they waited for somebody to open the door after Robin had knocked. He already smelled the distinct tang of several lions and had to lock every muscle in place to keep from bolting.

The door swung open and revealed a tall woman. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail and he suddenly felt like a beggar with his clothes when he saw her form fitting white blouse and grey pants.

"Kaliska! Good evening, how are you doing? And Robin! Did you cut your hair? It looks good and-" she stopped mid-sentence to stare at Caden. He managed a wobbly smile when all he wanted was to bolt into the woods.

"You're the cougar," she finally observed and he nodded shyly. "The whiny brat needed to be given a reality check so well done for killing that rodent."

"Thanks, ma'am," he replied while a fierce blush overtook his face.

"Call me Jade." She took a step to the side to let them all in. "The boys are on the back porch talking about boy's stuff, you can join them if you'd like."

"Thanks mom," Robin said in passing and dragged Caden through the hallway and out of another door onto the porch.

There was a pond in the backyard along with some flower beds and Greek statues which were kind of scary in the darkness. Again, the lawn was flawless and the forest began just outside of the property line.

Robin went over to a man sitting in a comfortable chair and patted him on the shoulder in greeting while saying something Caden didn't quite catch because his whole body quivered with the need to flee.

"Dad, that's Caden," Robin introduced him and Caden felt like prey when the older lion shifted his gaze over to him. He couldn't breathe properly and his hands trembled.

"Hello, Caden," the lion greeted him and rose from his chair to shake his hand.

Caden opened his mouth to say something similar - hello, good evening, sir, please don't eat me - however his mind had other plans.

He chirped. He fucking chirped.

Robin's father chuckled and released his hand.

"Don't worry, cub, you're safe here," he reassured him, an amused glint in his eyes. "By the way, I'm Nicolas."

Caden nodded meekly but still couldn't look the man in the eyes. Talk about embarrassing.

"I believe you met Ajax before?" the lion inquired and Caden had to suppress another chirp. So Ajax was really here?

"We already met," Ajax confirmed from his spot at the railing. "Though it's the first time I see him with clothes on."

Caden crossed his arms in front of his chest and glared at him. What was his problem anyway? Caden hadn't challenged him, didn't pee on him - something Michael had experienced far too often for his liking - and didn't question his dominance. So, what was his damn problem?

His father laughed and Robin hid his grin. Wonderful.

"I'll grab beer for you two, don't kill each other while I'm inside," their father warned still chuckling quietly and went into the house. Light laughter wafted out to them, probably Kaliska and Jade having fun.

Caden decided to ignore Ajax - after all the grumpy lion could go fuck himself - and enjoyed the fresh air like he had intended. A quick glance told him that Ajax had gone back to gazing out into the woods, too.

He wore a plaid shirt and the first few buttons at the top were left open and revealed his tanned skin and the prominent collarbones underneath. Caden's eyes threatened to wander up to that tiny scar on his full lips and he hastily turned away. No need to make Ajax angry again.

Their father, Nicolas, returned with two bottles and Caden cautiously took one when the lion offered it. Robin drank out of his own bottle and Caden did the same. The liquid was cold and tasted kind of bitter with a hint of sweetness. So this was the mysterious beer college kids seemed to pour down their throats like water in his books. He had to admit that he couldn't quite make out the appeal.

"What brought you to Willow Creek, Caden?" Nicolas curiously wanted to know and Caden shrugged.

"I just ended up here, I guess," he admitted.

"Nobody comes here voluntarily," Ajax interjected gloomily and took a swig of his beer.

"Willow Creek isn't that bad," his father contradicted playfully. "Don't listen to him, Caden, he's just grumpy because he hasn't found his special someone yet."

"Because this town is full of either old people or stupid people," Ajax scoffed. He turned around and Caden shivered upon seeing his disgruntled expression. His eyes again held this wilderness, showing everyone that he wasn't completely human.

"I'm not old nor stupid," Robin mumbled.

"Then go ask Kaliska if she's okay with you sucking my dick," Ajax replied dryly and Robin chocked on thin air while their father followed the exchange with a fond smile.

Caden wasn't sure if he should be repulsed or laugh, too. The siblings' banter was definitely something he needed to get used to if he didn't want to die of embarrassment this evening.

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