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Hiya, not sure how this will turn out..my first story-don't judge me :P

*Edited 28/05/2014* - Really sorry my writing hopefully improves later on in this!;)

*May's pov*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm 'I'm a believer' from Shrek, I love that film watched it more than my brother has watched Toy Story. Ughh I hate school days, its soo boring and you have to get up at silly oclock. The only good thing about today is its Friday and my best friend Grace is coming round mine for a sleepover, I did a happy dance and put my music on full blast to get ready for school.

The Shrek album came on, I sang for my life, giving myself a round of applause when I got all the lyrics right. Bowing to my imaginary audience I finished brushing my hair when my mum walked in my room

"Turn the music down" My mum shouted

"Huh?" My mum walked in my tiny room, emphasis on the word tiny, room and turned my music off.

"Err what was that for?"

"Your music is too loud, it will ruin your eardrums, hurry up the bus will be here soon to pick you up, oh and don't forget Liam's coming home today!" Mum replied walking out my door.

"Ahhh finally!" Did I mention my brother was Liam Payne, yes 1/5 of one direction. Grace is sleeping over today and Liam coming home today, man this is going to be a good day.

I picked up my heavy school bag, that consisted of my laptop, maths science English books and my history folder, soon I will need a suitcase for everything. Laughing to myself about the suitcase I plugged my headphones in and blasted Shrek. I closed the front door and walked down to the bus stop, holding my skirt as it is a windy day. Why does the bus have to be soo late when it is freezing cold, ignoring my friend moaning about how I always listen to music I texted Grace

To:-Graceeeee <3

Heyaaa, cant wait for tonight, got a surprise for you<33xx

A few minutes later I got a reply...

From Graceeeee<3

Hollaaa, neither im soo exciteddd, what is it tell me??:3 soo boreed at school where are you??xx

To:-Graceeeee <3

:D sozza cant tell you other wise it wouldn't be a surprise, right? Bus is late again ): I will be there in 20 mins,bus should be here sooon x

As if on cue the bus turned up "I have magical powers!!" I sung waiting for my turn to get on the bus, Beth my dearest friend who moans at me for listening to my music;) remember her?She was giving me the look of -What the heck are you doing?- and -where did I find you?- I laughed to myself moving closer to get on the bus.

Finally it was my turn to enter the bus of doooom, it's the bus of doooom because everyone who gets on the bus is annoying and stuck up. Getting lost in my train of thought, I tripped up the steps to get on the bus, and everyone was just looking at me, I started laughing and carried on as if nothing happened. I swear it's just me who trips over, just last week I was walking to the bus stop and I tripped over my own shoe and the year 7's were looking at me as if to say -dude you're in year 10 and your tripping over your own feet-.

I sat down next to the window with Beth to my left. Now I have a few minutes to myself I shall tell you all about moi, cue dramatic music... Im called May Payne, brother Liam Payne, I love to listen to music and reading, I also play basketball, yeah I play sports, shocked? So am I;) im 15 years old, birthday 12th October, I am very sarcastic. I have friends.. Really? Yeah I do.. Grace, Emily and other people that I can't be bothered to mention. Yeah that's me in a nutshell! I am always talking to myself in my head, coz I'm a cool kid.  

I finished my amazing life story just on time, we have arrived at school!! Whoop whoop *note sarcasm*. I got up from my seat and merged into the line getting of the bus, singing I'm a believer I walked to my tutor, just as my name was read out on the register.

"May?" My old annoying tutor called my name out for the register

"Yes sir" I saluted and walked over to Grace and enveloped her into a bear hug.

"Heyaa  looking forward to tonight?" I smirked knowing that Grace still didn't know she was going to meet her all time crush. Harry Styles!

"Heck yeah I am, but I wish I knew what the surprise was!"

"That's for me to know and you to find out" I said tapping my nose. We started walking to our lockers, Grace put half her stuff for tonight in her locker the rest in mine, we have tiny lockers, to be honest there's no point in having them!

"Gracee what do we have first?" I whined

"Urmmm English, then maths, history science and then English again" Gee we are in for a fun day, yes we are in all of the same classes, that's one plus side to school. On our way to English we were singing along to Story of my life, we got a lot of stares but that's who we are, and we are loving life! We sat through English and Maths and now time for History *fun*, half way through someone from the office came into our class and cleared her throat as if she was going to make a big announcement

*cough* *cough* "May and Grace to the office please" she said as if nothing was wrong, she gave us a big smile and left not bothering to wait for us. We looked at each other and shrugged. Everyone stared at us as we shuffled out of class, you know when people stare at you and you forget how to walk? Yeah that happened to me so I shuffled out the door with Grace right behind me

"Wonder what this is gunna be about? Maybe someone has complained about our beautiful singing" I said and Grace just started laughing not bothering to reply to me. Grace has a really catchy laugh and before I knew it we were both skipping in the office door with tears in our eyes from the earlier LOL moment.

"Hi miss umm, you know the lady with blonde short hair?" I questioned suddenly feeling like a tomato as I felt the heat creeping up on my face. Grace was just standing there laughing at me, gee what a great friend.

"Miss Jones?" the office lady replied, is it bad I don't know any teachers name and I have been at the school for 3 and a half years?

"Yep, Miss Jones said we had to come to the office, has someone complained about us singing? It was Katie wasn't it? She always been jelly of our singing" Suddenly everything and everyone was silent and looking behind me.. I slowly turned around...


How was it?? aha probably really bad ;)

Follow me on twitter @ashtonpasta_

May x

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