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I awoke to the sounds of screaming and a herd of elephants running to our room, oh sorry my mistake one direction, gee they need to go on a diet soon. "uh oh" Grace and I said at the same time #FREAKY but then again we are inseparable. We hid under the duvet, I know what you're thinking why hide under the duvet but to be honest we had 5 seconds before 5 grown men came and jumped on us, "ahhhh, geez get off!" we shouted, they got up, me and Grace we 'rofling' literally ahaa our masterpiece's on their faces were priceless! Grace quickly took a picture on her iPhone, yes iPhone how jelly am I of her? VERY! Aha I'm saving up for one it's all good (: They didn't look too happy, and the pens looked smudged.. "Don't worry the pens will come out" I said reassuring myself more than the boys. "Err yeah about that, we already have tried to but it won't because you used SHARPIE!" Liam stated rolling his eyes. "Houston we have a problem" I whispered to Grace but she seemed one step ahead of me. Everyone was just staring at her like a hawk staring at its prey; no I don't see Grace as prey.

*Graces pov*

Everyone was staring at me, while I got my makeup bag out. I shuffled back to the bed, yes I shuffled.. what with 6 pairs of eyes watching your every move, I kinda forgot how to walk. Anyway I sat on my bed finding my foundation, while we figured out how to get rid of the drawings on their faces we can just cover them up with foundation. Excellent if I do say so myself. "Liam sit down" I instructed, Liam being Liam sat on the floor. "No silly sit on the bed" I said earning sniggers from his band mates. He sat down and I put some light foundation on and wolaah the dirt is gone, except it's not dirt its pen, the advert just came into my head. I laughed earning stares from everyone I just shrugged, pointing to Louis. He reluctantly came, in other words Niall and Zayn pushing him. I dabbed some foundation on his face, "Perfect" I said poking my tongue out at him. May finally realised what I was doing and pulled Niall opposite her putting foundation on his face and did the same to Zayn. Harry came and sat next to m-his green eyes locked with mine, it felt like no other people were in the room, I quickly looked away blushing slightly. I quickly put on his foundation and tuned into everyone's conversation "May want to go somewhere just us today, so we can catch up?" Liam asked May "Yeah sure, Grace you okay to stay here and look after those things?" she replied pointing to Harry, Louis, Zayn and Niall "Yeah sure" I smiled, wow this day is going to be interesting...

*Liam's pov*

I'm going to take May to the park we always used to go to when we were younger, so we can catch up with no people no nothing to interrupt us. "You nearly ready?" I shouted up the stairs "Yeaah just coming" May replied running down the stairs "here I am" she said sticking her tongue out: P "Byee lads and girl" we shouted as we left for the park, we walked in a silence but it wasn't an awkward silence it was a nice silence. Once we reached the park we sat down by the oak tree that we always used to sit by when we were younger. We talked and laughed generally having a brilliant time.

Then I realised I don't want to leave May again, I missed out on her starting her G.C.S.E's and I should be there looking out for her. "May, I have missed you so much an-" I got interrupted by May giving me a massive hug "So have I Liam so have I" a tear forming in her eye "shh now don't cry, and don't interrupt okay?" "okay" "Well as I was about to say I have missed you and I don't want to leave you again because I am the older brother and I am supposed to be looking out for you when you most need it, we have a tour coming up soon and I was wondering if you would like to come on the tour with us?" I spoke now crying with May, if anyone walked past they would probably be worried. "I would love to Liam, what about mum and Grace though? Can Grace come with us?" May questioned "Well I spoke to mum about it earlier and she says it's a great idea we can bond better and all that stuff, and Grace can only come for the last half of the tour I'm sorry" I said hoping May would understand "I-I understand wait I'm not going to see Grace for 4 and a half months? When do we leave?" May asked crying harder into my chest "Well um about that, wehavetoleaveintwodaysforrehearsalsandsignings"


How was it? probably wont update till fridayyy :P

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