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*May's pov*

"Well um about that, wehavetoleaveintwodaysforrehearsalsandsignings" Liam said, I just sat there proceeding what Liam had just said. I weighed up my options, not seeing my brother for another 9 months, and to be honest I don't want to leave him again, I go to him every time I have a problem and we are really close. However I leave my best friend for 4 and a half months which I wouldn't be able to, miss school and my mum. Or I stay at home, with my mum and best friend but not see my brother for 9 months. "I made my decision" I stuttered in between breaths, Liam looked at me with a hint of hope in his eyes. "I would love to, but I have to go to school tomorrow to spend my last day with Grace, and what about school..I'm in the middle of my G.C.S.E's" I said, mentioning Grace's name I cried harder into Liam's chest "We will get you a tutor, and of course you can, we will be in the car park waiting for you, thank you May" Liam replied looking at me as if he had won the lottery. "Just please pinky promise me, if you find another girlfriend or something don't just leave me to fend for myself because I will phone mum up and will get her to book a flight home for me" I said with an evil smirk on my face putting my pinky finger in his face. "I promise" Liam agreed shaking our pinky fingers.

We decided to go to McDonald's for some food and then go shopping, this is gunna be a good day.

"Thank's big bro" I exclaimed, drinking my McDonald's strawberry milkshake, we had just walked out of republic*best.shop.ever* and Liam had bought me a denim jacket I have wanted for agesss, its awesome with patterns on the shoulders and top half, Grace has one exactly the same. We then decided to walk back home to tell everyone the news Liam pulled his hood back over his head and put his black ray bans on, it's going to be harder than I thought just leaving Grace for 4 and ½ months. Speaking of Grace Wonder what she and the boys have been doing.

*Grace's pov"

"Byee lads and girl" Liam and May shouted as they left for their day out, I walked to the living room where Harry and Louis were playing 'slapsies' with each other, you know where you slap the other persons hand... their hands were bright red, me and May played that once in lunch aha that was soo funny. Zayn and Niall were on their phones probably on twitter. I laid, yes laid on the floor, its more comfortable okay? And grabbed the TV remote. Yesss! Gavin and Staceeyy!! I love that programme! It was the episode where Smithy and Rudi ring up Gavin and they sing there little rap, I started rapping it just like me and May do at lunches, geez we are cool kids

"Who killin em in the UK.

Everybody gonna to say you K, reluctantly,

because most of this press dont **** with me.

Estelle once said to me, cool down down dont act a fool now now.

I always act a fool oww oww.

Aint nothing new now now. He crazy,

I know what ya thinkin.

Ribena I know what youre drinkin."

Everyone was just staring at me while the rest of the rap went on "What?" I stared at them, with a plain face, they were just staring at me as if -what the heck you doing- "It's just a rap from Gavin and Stacey me and May always sing it at lunch" I said winking at them ;) All of a sudden Louis and Harry jumped on me and started tickling me.. Oh no they didn't "RAPPEE, RAPPEE" I shouted while laughing my head off.. not literally or that would be wierd. "HAHAHAHAH- ST-AHAHA OP PLEEAA-AHAHA-SEEE" I tried to say, they hopped of and sat on the sofa as if nothing happened. "MOVIE TIMEEE" Niall shouted, gee I thought Louis was the loud one? "Umm you haven't seen Niall at his worst" Harry stated, shoot did I say that out loud? Harry just nodded, again seriously? Anyway I let them pick, I didn't want to be at risk of being tickled again, I started to plot revenge.. "we are watching woman in black" Louis told me, looks like I don't have a choice, oh well I like that film, I simply nodded my head in reply. Half way through the film, Niall literally sitting on Zayn, and Louis and Harry cuddling up for dear life- aww Larry Stylinson. "Be right back just going to the loo" Everyone kind of jumped when I spoke and simply nodded to scared to say anything. I excused myself and went to the spare room I was sharing and quickly got some silly string and a white sheet, what I was bored earlier so looked around the room.. there was loads of stuff!

I grabbed the sheet and silly string cans and quietly went back to the lounge. I snuck up behind Louis and Harry and threw the sheet over them "AHHHHHHHHHH, HARRY I THOUGHT YOU SAID IT WASN'T REAALL!!" Louis screamed his head off, while I sprayed the silly string over Niall and Zayn, whoops Zayn's hair.. "Sh-" "GETT HER" I got interrupted by everyone shouting at once. I ran for my life, and not being in this house for very long they had the upper hand as I didn't know where I was going, luckily I do lots of running and I quickly ran into a random room, oh the toilet, and locked the door. I heard pounding on the door "Come out or I will smash the doooor down" Louis sung "Lou shut it" Harry replied, everything went silent.. "Hey Grace it's just me, Harry" hmm wonder who put him up to this probably Louis. "Louis is in his room on the phone to Eleanor, Zayn and Niall are cleaning themselves up after your little prank" I practically saw the smirk on his face. "Please let me in" He begged, fine I opened the door and Harry slipped in the bathroom "You're really pretty by the way" I blushed, Harry didn't realise how much that meant to me. "Thank you, that means a lot" I thanked him "it's okay, just saying the truth like my mummy told me to, say the truth that is, not say you are pretty, but you are pretty.. you get me?" Harry poked his tongue out at me. *knock knock* "Liam and May are back, talk soon here's my number" Harry wrote in black sharpie on my arm his number, as he got up and quickly kissed me on the cheek. YEAH HARRY STYLES KISSED ME ON THE CHEEK YOU JELLY? Dear god I hope I didn't say that out loud... Harry chuckled and walked away "Looks like I did"


How was it?? couldnt wait till friday :P

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