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'Suddenly everything and everyone was silent and looking behind me.. I slowly turned around'


*Liams pov*

"LIAAAMM" May shouted, running up to me giving me a massive hug, wow she has changed so much in 8 months. I just stood there laughing at her little rant earlier about her and Graces singing. "Hey May, sorry couldn't wait until after school to see you so came to pick you and Grace up now so we can catch up" I said looking over at Grace who had a massive grin plastered over her face. "Really? What we are just gunna leave school like now?" May replied with a grin plastered on her face, "Yeah I phoned up the school and asked Miss Jones, you know the lady with Blonde short hair?" I said to May who sheepishly grinned, "Oh by the way you and Grace are spending the weekend with me and the others, and yes we have spoken to Grace's mum already, it's all planned out, so let's get going yeah?" May and Grace had shocked yet excited expressions on their faces, and then they squealed like little piglets. "Wait others as in the rest of one direction?" They said at the same time, freaky. I nodded and started walking to the car park "Wait we need to go to the lockers to get Graces stuff meet you in the car park? Yeah blad see ya in the car innit" May started saying and ended up half rapping, wow this weekend was going to not be boring with her and Louis in the same house.. Grace just stood there 'lolling' I think that's all she will be doing over the weekend "umm yeah sure, don't be too long okay?" I pulled my hood back up over my head and headed to the car, laughing at what I just witnessed. I got in the passenger seat of Harrys car, the boys were staring at me like -dude your forgetting someone- "umm where's May and Grace?" Louis said with a disappointed face, everyone has wanted to meet May, as they have only ever spoken on the phone and skyped, and they have never met Grace but May has spoken lots about her while chatting to the boys. "Don't worry there just getting Graces stuff from their lockers, so turn your frowns upside down geez your all in for a weekend she's like a mini Louis" I said reassuringly everyone's frowns turned into smiles, Louis squealed at the mention of May being a mini him. We had been waiting for at least 5 minutes now, and everyone went from looking at the window looking out for tweedle dee and tweedle dum, to going on their phones most probably twitter. Suddenly I got a phone call and my ringtone kiss you started playing, I read who was phoning and it was May..

*Mays pov*

"Yelloow?" Liam answered

"Put in on speaker" Grace whisper/yelled, I put it on speaker to hear lots of muffled sounds, seems like Liam put his phone on speaker as well, wait muffled sounds is the whole one direction people there?

"Hey, so we got Graces stuff and yeah weareinthecarparkbutwearekindalost" I quickly spoke, it's not helping by the fact there is more than 1 car park and we are carrying like the whole of Grace's bedroom, aha I laughed as I can imagine us carrying her whole bedroom around the school

"Right so you are lost in your own school?, why you laughing?" That sounded like Harry, Grace jumped up when she heard his voice

"Yeah why are you laughing?" Grace asked me looking slightly worried

"I can imagine me and you carrying your whole bedroom around the school looking for my brother" By now me and Grace dropped her belongings and were just standing there laughing, until we heard a voice through my phone, oh yeah we were on the phone to my brother saying we are lost in the car park and can't find him

"umm, okay that was weird, where are you?" Liam said through the phone

"ahaa sorry we forgot we were on the phone to you then, and umm by the science block, where are you?" I said still trying to stop laughing

"Seriously May? We are in the car park next to the science block, in fact there's only Harry's car and a small white mini cooper and that's not going to fit 7 people in is it?" Liam said, I can practically see the smirk on his face.

"aha woops sorry, we see you now Liam we are walking towards you can you see us?" Grace answered, taking my phone and walking towards them leaving me with all her bags. I managed to pick up all the bags and take them to the car without having to take 2 journeys to transport all the belongings. "I AM SUPERWOMANN"I shouted at the top of my voice once I was seated in the car, note all the bags were in the boot of the car with no help what's so ever. Harry was driving, Liam in the passenger seat, Louis, Niall and Zayn were in the middle of the car, which left me and Grace in the back. Everyone turned to me, "Umm why are you superwoman?" Niall questioned me on my sudden outburst. "Oh just because you know I'm amazing, and carried like half of Grace's bedroom to the car by myself" I proudly stated as if it was a big achievement. "Umm half is a bit of an exaggeration May, its only 3 bags" Grace pointed out "Shut it you" I replied poking my tongue out her. On the way to their flats we were all singing Midnight Memories at the top of our voices, obviously me and Grace were the best. Once we finished singing me and Louis were having a sing off, I got to choose the songs we both sang... no surprise I chose Shrek's album. I passed my ipod to the front of the car, where Liam reluctantly plugged it in the car. Once we finished belting out the lyrics to 'I'm on my way' and 'All star' Grace, Niall and Zayn chose the winner... MEE!! "WOO I beat you Louis, hahaha you faileddd, I'm the winneerr!!" I shouted out so everyone knew I had won, everyone broke off into conversations. Me and Grace were talking about what this weekend was going to be like, we are soo excited! After what felt like 2 minutes we arrived at their flats, time does fly when you're having fun aha imagine a fly flying with a clock on its back! For once I was speechless!


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May x

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