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I locked my phone, not bothering to wait for a reply from Ashton. I closed my eyes, suddenly feeling really tired, but not actually falling asleep, just resting my eyes you know what I mean? "psst Louis" Someone whispered "Who was she texting?" That someone was Liam, and he thought I was asleep, I smiled to myself, aha sucker. I felt Louis move his arm so it was around my shoulder making it more comfortable. "errm one was Ashton I think, and the other was Nicholas" Louis tried whispering so I wouldn't hear. "Okay, I got a surprise for her but I will tell you later when she isn't eavesdropping." Liam said quite loudly making me jump, it was the smiling that gave it away I thought to myself. I glared at Liam for blowing my cover. "It was the smile that gave it away" He smirked; Louis was trying to hold back a laugh, while looking at his phone. "Whats the su-" I started asking Liam but got rudely interrupted "I'm not telling you, but I'm not sure if I should let you have the surprise now" Liam said, the smirk creeping up onto his face yet again. I pouted, checking my phone. As on cue my phone buzzed 3 times, well I am Miss popular;)


I'm good thanks, aha so you're touring with us? Look out the back window. Ashton x

I replied to Ashton

To- Ashtonnnn(;

Yeah unfortunately -_- aha no I'm really looking forward to it :D Okaay. Maaaaay x

I shoved Louis arm of my shoulder, and turned around, I saw that Ashton was in the passenger seat behind our taxi/car thing. Ashton poked his tongue out at me, so I copied him while waving madly. Zayn was just looking at me as if I were high on drugs. I was practically kneeling on my chair facing the back window, waving to Ashton like a mad woman. "May turn around and stop annoying the people behind us" Liam said, I pouted while turning around, smiling sweetly at Louis. I quickly informed Ashton of why I had to turn around.

To- Ashtonnnn(;

Sorry my brother told me off for not sitting in my seat right, and thought I was annoying the people behind..

I looked up at Louis and Liam who were both on their phones, looking at each other. "Are you texting each other?" I questioned them both. They just nodded and went back to talking to each other on their phones. I leant my head on the window, making sure Louis wasn't looking at my texts. I opened the second text it was from Grace, and replied.

From-Graceeeee <3

WHAT?!! Lucky bitch! School was so boring today without you..

To-Graceeeee <3

Ahah, when we get to the hotel I will face time you. Awww I can't wait till you come on tour with us it's going to be amazing!!!

Yes we are going to a hotel for the first week or something as One Direction have got interviews to go to, so we will be in a hotel for that then going on the tour bus for 9 months, 'woohoo'. I opened the last text it was from Nicholas!! I smiled to myself.

From- Nicky<3 x

Heyaa, guess what? Your brothers following me on twitter..:D Nicky x

I face palmed, Liam is probably following Nicholas to keep any eye on him, wow over protective or what, Nicholas is just a friend.

To- Nicky<3 x

Oh dear, sorry about that(; well that's another famous person following you tho(; Do you have any hobbies? May x

By the time I had replied to everyone, who text me we were at the hotel. Luckily no fans had found out where we were staying yet.. I hopped out the car, and walked over to Harry who was getting the bags out of the car so Zayn could get out. "Hey, do you know that my brother is following Nicholas on twitter just because I have been texting him?" I told Harry, who just looked at me while getting the bags out the car, so I decided to help him. "Yeah, he told me he is just making sure that no one will take advantage of you because your brother is famous" Harry replied to me while stacking the suitcases up.

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