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*Harry's pov*

All throughout the journey May was singing, talking and generally being loud gee we are in for a weekend -_- . I pulled into the drive way, May and Grace was speechless and just staring out our flats. "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies" I said turning my head back looking at the girls. I pulled into my usual space where I park and hopped out the car, opening the doors for Zayn and Niall, Liam opening the door for Louis, I pulled the seats forward and May and Grace hopped out still star struck by our flats. Liam waved his hands in front of their faces, snapping them out of their stares. I grabbed all of Graces bag, and we headed for the door. When I say we headed for the door, Louis raced Grace and May to the door whiles me and the rest of the lads casually just walked. "Hey Liam, you have a lively sister, I wouldn't be surprised if she was related to Lou" I joked around; Liam laughed, and opened the door for me, when we got in the warmth hit me and I smiled to myself. Suddenly I was on the floor "BUUNNDDLLEE" Louis shouted, everyone jumped on me apart from Grace, I guess she still isn't used that she's in the same house as one direction "Oi fatties can ya get of me now?" I questioned in between breaths. Everyone piled of looking offended, "Hey I have only eaten 2 pieces of toast, some fruit, and a snack at break" May spoke making everyone laugh. I shook my head, picked up Grace's belongings and took them to the spare room.

I walked into the living room where everyone was sitting in a circle on the floor, guess we're playing truth or dare "Come sit down" May said pointing to the space between her and Grace, Grace just shyly smiled and looked to the ground, guess someone's a fan. "My go, my go!" Louis protested "Fine" We all said at the same time, freaky. "Whoever doesn't do there truth or dare can all sleep in the" Louis thought to himself for a while "bath tub" Everyone just looked at each other worried.

*May's pov*

"May truth or dare" Louis stared at me waiting for an answer, shoot do I go truth and everyone find something that I don't want sharing, or do I go dare and do something that is stupid... "dare" I said confidently, kind of forgetting that Louis was going to give me the worst dare ever.. "okay you have to give me your phone for all of tonight" I sighed getting my phone out of my blazer. Yes our school makes us wear blazers, ties, shirts and knee length skirts, horrible I know. "I can't believe I'm giving you my phone" I face palmed as I gave it to Louis. What he didn't know was my phone is a piece of poo, you can't use twitter or face book, I smirked knowing at least he can't embarrass me where all the 'populars' can see. Liam obviously realised because he whispered to Louis "Oh and can I have your ipod as well please?" I poked my tongue out at them both and threw my iPod to Lou, which hit him in the head "Ouchh" he shouted giving us all a shock, greattttt I forgot to log out of twitter, face book and instagram -_-. It was my go and I chose "Grace" I smiled knowing what she will say, "umm truth" Grace said, her cheeks were going bright red "Do you fancy someone in the room?" She gave me the look of - dude why? - her cheeks went from red to a brighter red and she slightly nodded "Quickly moving on, Niall?" I chuckled slightly, Niall confidently said "Dare" wrong choice dude Grace is like beast at coming up with dares. "I dare you not to eat anything apart from lunch and dinner" Everyone looked shocked, oh yeah that's like the first thing Grace has said "Muwah-" *cough* I tried but failed to do an evil laugh, everyone was just 'rofling' at me. Okay that could have gone better, I mentally slapped myself.

The rest of the day went by quickly, basically just us 'lolling' at each other, dayum I'm gunna miss my big bro when hes gone, a small tear escaped my eye but I quickly wiped it away before anyone noticed.

It was the evening, me and Grace were just in our room talking, watching movies and eating. "Hey, shall we play a prank on everyone?" I questioned with an evil smile on my face "Yeaah what shall we do though?" Grace replied thinking heavily on what prank we should do. A light bulb went off in my head, not literally that wouldn't be good and it would probably fry my brain, well what I have of a brain anyway. "Why don't we get 5 buckets of cold water and put their hand in it, and then get a sharpie pen and write something on their foreheads?" I proudly said, actually amazed I came up with something that is half decent. "Yeaah that's awesome, let's wait until 12 to make sure they are asleep" Grace said getting pink and green sharpie pens out her pencil case. "Okay want to watch a film while we wait as it is only 10?" "Yeah can we watch Grownups? I have had enough of Shrek for one day" Grace said poking her tongue out at me. "Yeah I will just go and get it from my brother's room, keep talking to me on imessage oh wait Louis took my ipod" and with that I walked out my room and across the hall, forgetting I had not been here before so I aimlessly walked in random rooms, hey so that's where the toilet is!

I opened the door hoping it was Liam's room, but it was Louis and he was skyping someone. He had is back to me and hadn't realised I walked in so I ran up to him jumping on his back. "oi who was tha- oh hey May" "Hi, who's this?" I replied in a sweet tone as if nothing happened, poking the screen "My girlfriend Eleanor" Lou replied proudly, wow she is really pretty "Thanks hun, you look beautiful too" Eleanor said to me "huh? Did I say that out loud? Anyway I gotta go where is Liam's room?" Lou pointed opposite his room, laughing "Thank youu, I hope I see you sooon Eleanorrr" I sung while skipping out of his room. I knocked on Liam's door and walked in, he was watching telly. "Oh hey May, you okay? Haha that rhymed" Liam said in between laughs. I'm used to it, at school I ask to go to the loo or something and the teachers find it hilarious when they reply "Yes you may, May" I mean seriously? Not funny. I carried on as if nothing happened "Do you have the grown-ups DVD that me and Grace could borrow?" Shoot Grace "Yeah sure, here ya go" Liam got up and found the DVD in between toy story... wow he's a cool kid he chucked me the DVD and I ran out the hall bumping into Niall who was eating.. "Umm thought Grace said no food?" He pouted while I grabbed the food and ran into the room.. "Sorry got a bit side tracked" She was staring at the food "Where did you get all this from?" "Oh I caught Niall eating so I took it from him" We smiled and turned the DVD on.

Grace fell asleep half way through the film, by time it had finished it was nearly 12 so I woke Grace up, by jumping on the bed and whisper/shouting in her ear "WAKEE UPP ITS PRANK TIME" She lazily got up and smacked me on the forehead "Gee whiz what was that for dude?" I questioned her while I got the sharpie pens and chucked them at her. "Oh nothing just felt like it" she poked her tongue out at me and caught the pens. "Now stay with me coz I'm quite quick, 5, 6, 7,8" I quoted from 'Best song ever' laughing to myself I marched out the room to find the buckets.


What did ya think?? It gets more interesting further along I promise :P


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