A New Beginning Part 3

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Lilly stared at herself in the mirror, taking in her appearance. She was clad in a pure white dress, that was supposed to signify purity. Oops. The dress had a modest neckline and long lace sleeves. The hoop skirt was larger than her normal ones. Aunt Brank just thought Lilly was getting pudgy, but it was actually due to her rapidly swelling stomach. The dress wasn't too fancy at all, it was rather simple but still had that elegance to it. Though Lilly admitted to herself that she looked rather breath taking, she was still in too much of a shock to care much.

Ella finished putting the last touches on her hair, which had been pulled into a bun at the top of her head. Artfully placed strands of hair framed her face. Eve was fixing her veil while Flora was applying small amounts of powder onto her face. As they finished, they stepped back to appraise their work. "Oh, Lill!" Ella cried. "You look amazing!" Eve and Flora nodded their assent with identical grins on their faces. Lilly smiled at her friends, thankful. Without them, she wasn't sure how she could have survived the last few hectic weeks. In her haste to get married, Aunt Brank, James' family, and himself were busy meeting to discuss the dowry, where they would get married, and the people they were inviting.

Honestly, Lilly had never seen Aunt Brank as happy as before. Apparently, she had thought Lilly would stay an old maid in her care forever, and was more than happy to hand her over to James. Mr. and Mrs. Carter were kind people, which made Lilly happy. She wouldn't have awful parent in-laws. "Thank you, Flora, Eve, Ella. I look beautiful."

Ella nodded, tears streaming down her face. Eve was wiping her face on her sleeve and Flora clutched my fingers comfortingly. 'I have amazing friends,' She thought, gazing around at them. Then the door banged open, admitting her best friend.

Patsy marched toward her, holding the bouquet of flowers in a death grip. "Here!" Patty threw the lilies at her, and Lilly caught them. "You've got to go, now! Your aunt's in hysterics, she's thought you've run away." I wish I could. Lilly squelched the thought guiltily. She didn't like getting married, but it was necessary. She would be shunned in society if anyone ever found out that she'd had an illegitimate child, no less with England's richest financier. And, James was being extremely kind. When she told him tonight, would he still stay with her?

Lilly braced herself, straightening her back and throwing her head back. Whatever could be said about her, she would always be a strong and independent woman. Nothing would change that. The first few notes of 'Here Comes the Bride' floated across the packed chapel. Edmund was sitting in the pianists' chair, fingers flying across the keyboard. Maria and Anne's two children, Aaron and Georgia, respectively, were being helped down the aisle by their mothers. Both had bright red hair, like their fathers. Aaron had dropped his basket, spewing countless white blossoms across the thin red carpet. The audience tittered in amusement at the young toddler. Georgia, who was only 2 months younger than her cousin, was having trouble even walking. Lilly hadn't wanted the two babies to be the flower girl/boy, seeing as they could barely stand. However, her sisters had wanted to showcase their children, and of course Aunt agreed.

Finally, the two reached the halfway point, signaling for Eve, Flora, Patsy, and Gertrude to start walking down too, as they were her bridesmaids. Finally, Ella, Lilly's Maid of Honor swept down the aisle. All of Lilly's entourage were wearing different shades of red. It was one of Lilly's favorite colors after all. Then, finally, the Bride stepped from behind the doors, turning the heads of everyone in the chapel. She met the burning gaze of James Carter from across the room, her soon-to-be husband. An unbidden image of a handsome, dark haired man crossed her vision. He was dressed in a slightly newer black tailcoat, a white waistcoat, and a black shirt. A bow tie was tied crisply around his throat. Though he never smiled, his eyes showed that he was content. The raging sea had calmed from the abrupt storm that had swept through his life.

Stop it Lilly! He won't come back, not for a very long time yet!

Lilly reached the altar, and, reaching for her Groom's hand, she felt herself start to relax. At least James respects me, and he understands how important my beliefs are. Not like that ibn hamar.

Lilly met James Carter's gentle brown eyes. In them, she could practically see her future. Two, maybe three kids, a nice brownstone at the center of London. She could see herself hugging him, he comforting her as he promised he'd come back safely. He was still a Captain in the British Army after all.

"Are you ready my lady?" He murmured smirking, and taking her hands.

"I am," She whispered, and, as one, both Bride and Groom faced the Priest, ready to take on their new lives together.


Their first kiss wasn't bad. No, it was warm, gentle, and caring, so unlike the ones that she had recently experienced. James Carter was a true gentleman, in almost every sense. Almost, was, of course, his quirky sense of humor.

After releasing the lip lock, he had grinned humoursly at her blushing face. "I'd been waiting to do that forever, Mrs. Carter. I look forward to doing it some more, if you catch my drift." She had blushed, slapping her new husband for saying such a thing in public, no less in a church! Then the rest of the wedding was a blur of elated faces, mounds of solid chocolate, and the flashing of brightly colored skirts. Lilly and James, had of course, chosen a Gallop as their first dance together as a couple (Much to her Aunt's dismay.) However, this didn't stop the two from leaping and bouncing together across the Ballroom.

Ella was dancing with Edmund, whom Lilly had invited. She wanted this day to be happy for her as well. Patsy, of course, was glaring at men who asked her to dance, threatening them with her extra sharpened parasol. Eve and Flora were more politely refusing dances.

James finally stopped, leading me out to the gardens. "Lilly, are you alright with me continuing in my position as an army Captain? I can stop, if you wish it. Wouldn't want my sweet little wifey to get all worried, would I?"

Lilly glared at him. Though he was her husband now, she wouldn't let him underestimate her. "Nope. You can go and play Army Captain with your friends. Even blow off a couple limbs or more if you'd like."

James chuckled, mirth twinkling in his eyes. "Glad to know that my Lilly hasn't wilted a bit." Lilly rolled her eyes at his terrible attempt at a pun.


As the night drew to a close, Lilly found herself worrying more and more about telling her new husband her secret. She was carrying an illegitimate child for her generous derrières sake!

She was fidgeting in her nightgown, sitting upon the bed in her new room. James was downstairs and was locking the doors. 'Come on Lilly, you knew this would happen sooner or later. James will start wondering what happened when you have a child that doesn't actually look like him...'

James entered their bedroom, smiling widely upon seeing his wife atop their bed. "Let me just get dressed, my dear."

"Wait! James!" Lilly called out to him, stopping him from entering their large walk-in closet. "I- I have something to tell you."

"Yes my dear?" Not even bothering to elaborate, Lilly told him. She told him about dressing up as a man, working for Mr. Ambrose, the File, the trip to Egypt (minus the part where she played as his wife), the trip to South America, and now- bearing his child.

At the end of the tale, Lilly opened her eyes again. Tears had started to fall during the recollection of her tale, and she hadn't opened them since. Now she met the gaze of James Carter.

The mirth in his eyes had drained away, replaced by cold fury. When she tried to reach for his arm, he moved back and stood up. "Excuse me," He told her coldly, and left. Downstairs, the sound of the door opening and slamming shut echoed through the large, almost empty house.

On her wedding night, Lillian Carter, née Linton, curled into ball and sobbed, hugging her arms protectively around her unborn child.

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