Modern AU P.4

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Mr. Ambrose's face twitched slightly in surprise. He smoothed his features again, returning to the block of stone he was carved of. Still, his eyes regarded his secretary curiously, daring her to tell him. "Your... Best friend?"

"Yes," Lilly nodded slowly, eyes far away. "We went to Alsop High School, Famam Extendere Factis."

"We extend our fame by our deeds," Mr. Ambrose translated effortlessly, nodding. "I've heard of it."

Lilly shot him a sly smile. "Needless to say, I'm not a very good example of an Alsop student with my fame being nonexistent and all." Mr. Ambrose did not smile, nor did she expect him to. "Still, I was accepted there when I was 13, for Grade Eight. I went to that school for five years. In my second year, when I was fourteen, Daniel- or Dan, showed up." Her eyes drifted to the windows, reliving those days, when she'd been free and happy. Despite the butt load of homework they were given, she missed those days.

"He wasn't a very popular guy, and the first day I met him, he was being pushed into a wall."

*Seven Years Ago*

Lilly closed her locker door, banging it shut. She'd forgotten her math homework again and once her Aunt had seen her grades, she'd be in big trouble. It hadn't been her fault anyway, she was sure she'd stuffed the worksheet full of Trigonometry problems into her bag. Maybe Maria, or Anne, had stolen it again. Again, it hadn't been her fault they hadn't been accepted into Alsop like the rest of them!

The bell rang overhead, and Lilly cursed under her breath. She ran to first period English with Mr. Goldman. The over sized sneakers that she'd inherited from Gertrude slapped the pavement roughly, the rubber soles in danger of falling off. She ran into the classroom just as the second bell rang. The class turned their eyes to her, many of them sniggering. She muttered an apology to the teacher and dropped into her seat. She started to pull out her things just as she did every morning, but then noticed it was way too quiet.

She looked up to find Mr. Goldman's eyes on her. At the front of the class, her extremely tall teacher had a hand upon a boy's shoulder. He cleared his throat, and it became evident to Lilly that they had another new student, and he was about to be introduced before she ran in. She blushed under the heated gaze of her classmates and turned her attention to the golden haired boy.

He was taller than her, and basically everyone else for that matter. He was by Mr. Goldman's head, and he was a full 6'3. Still, he didn't look as though he played sports at all. He still had some boyish chubbiness to his cheeks, and his hands and feet were overly large. All his clothes were too small for him, which was an opposite to Lilly's state. All hers were way too big.

"Class, this is Daniel Dalgliesh, and he recently just transferred from the North Liverpool Academy. Please be kind, and show him around."

"Hi," He waved. Lilly smiled slightly and waved back. He lumbered to a seat in the back of the class as Mr. Goldman started his lessons.

He wrote a sentence on the board. "Tell me if this sentence is written in passive or active voice."

"Olivia is comforted by Feste the Fool, who tells her that her brother is in heaven and teases her about being a fool."

Brannon, one of the popular kids Lilly absolutely detested, raised his hand pompously. "I do believe it's Active Voice!" he smiled, proud of himself. His friends around him patted him on the back, congratulating his stupidness. Lilly, as with many of the smarter students in the class, knew that this was indeed in passive voice. (...I'm actually not sure. I'm supposed to studying for a Grammar test but I decided to write this instead. Also if it's not actually active voice can you tell me because then I need to change my answer on my worksheet. oops.)

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