My Friends,

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His Day will be the last update in this book for quite a while. You see, I'm a Catholic, and the Season of Lent is starting on March first, Ash Wednesday. Part of this season is fasting; giving something up as a sacrifice during the season where Jesus is betrayed and killed. Last year, for the first time, I took part in this sacrifice by giving up Wattpad for a month. It may not seem like the biggest sacrifice to some people, but to me, you guys are are my friends and supporters, the people who help me to pursue my dream of writing. Wattpad is a huge part of my life now, and by sacrificing the time I spend on here, hopefully I will dedicate that time to praying and honoring Jesus. 

As such, this is goodbye, for now. Thank you all so much; I will surely miss you all! When I come back around April, I will definitely give you all a TON of updates to make up for the month I missed. Thank you for understanding! My last day on here will be the 28th, and I definitely do NOT have enough time to write a chapter! If you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer them. 

Until April the 15th, 


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