A Trip To the Colonies

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The wind swept through the trees, blowing the fresh, cool, air into her face. The vibrant shades of green was so utterly refreshing compared to the dullness of London trees. The trees stretched above the old carriage, taller even than the buildings in her home town. Shadows dappled the leaf strewn ground as they rolled past, and Lillian Linton breathed it in. Freedom.

Stretching up higher, pushing her body through the window of the carriage, she threw her hands into the air and tried to reach for the leaves. Her hair, coming loose from its tie, blew out behind her as she laughed gleefully. "Sir!! Look at how beautiful the trees are! And the wind is so cool!" Glancing behind her- she thought she saw a small smile on her employer's face before it disappeared again.

"Put your head back inside, Mr. Linton. Someone might see how foolish you're being."

Being used to the Mr. Ambrose's icy barbs, Lilly paid no attention and continued breathing in the sweet air. Unbeknownst to her, the man himself was watching her, a barely visible smile on his face.  He loved how the air whipped her brown locks around her face, and the wide grin that stretched across it. Suddenly, his sharp eyes found a particularly low branch, and Lilly, eyes closed in the glare of the sun didn't notice.

He reached forward, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulled her forcibly back in, ignoring her futile attempt at fighting back. "Hey, what are you doing!!?" The branch snapped across the roof of the carriage, right where her head had been. Lilly, seeing this, fell backward, and Mr. Ambrose, pulling lightly on her waist pulled her down on top of him, head in his lap. 

Letting out a small "Oh," Lilly stared up into the eyes of her employer from her vantage point from his lap. 'He's really comfortable.' Oh shut up! With the sun shining into her eyes, and the wind playing across her face, Lilly felt suddenly drowsy. She smiled sleepily up into his cold ocean like eyes and closed her own. Surely he wouldn't mind her taking a nap? 

Mr. Ambrose watched in astonishment as the ifrit closed her eyes and curled up on his lap. Within seconds, she was asleep, breathing slow and steadily. He groaned loudly, hoping the sound would wake her up. Nothing. 'How in hell did she fall asleep that fast?!' Seeing as she wasn't planning on vacating his lap anytime soon, Mr. Ambrose settled back into the seat of the cab. As Lilly shifted on his lap, he froze. 'Gosh that felt good.' Shut up, you stupid man! 

Resigning himself, Mr. Ambrose closed his eyes, his right hand unconsciously burying itself into her wild hair, and his left wrapping around her waist to ensure she would not fall off. Eventually, the lull of the wheels rocked him to sleep too, only to be awakened 20 minutes later by his faithful body guard. 

"Sahib?" Karim's uncertain voice jolted Mr. Ambrose out of dreamland. Flushing slightly from the events in his dream, Mr. Ambrose straightened up and fastened his most emotionless face on. 

"Yes Karim?" 

"We're uh, here Sahib." Trying to ignore the fact that Karim was glancing questioningly at Lilly- no, Mr. Linton's head on his lap, Mr. Ambrose dismissed Karim as civilly as he could, which was to say, not civil at all. 

"Leave Karim." 

"Yes sir." Alone to ponder his thoughts on the woman still sleeping peacefully on his warm lap, Mr. Ambrose flushed again as his mind traveled back to the heated dream he'd just endured. The blood rushed down, and Mr. Ambrose cursed. Now was NOT the time!! Straightening up abruptly, Lillian fell off his lap and onto the hard floor of the carriage. 'Don't DROP HER you DOLT!' 

"Huh?" Lilly's sleepy voice resounded from below him, and Mr. Ambrose cursed his clumsiness in his head. 

"Get up, Mr. Linton," He snapped, turning away from the woman to open the door, hoping the cooler air outside would calm his testosterone filled mind. Nope. It was hot as an ifrit's home outside. He leaped out of the carriage, grabbing his cane and walking a ways away, leaving Lilly to fend for herself. 

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