Will You Be Mine?

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Lilly looked at the wide expanse or sand and ocean before her. It was a beautiful day on the beaches of Athens, Greece, and this particular beach was deserted. The sun glimmered with early morning light, the sky a cerulean blue. The water matched the skies exactly, and it made a picturesque scene. Mr. Ambrose had brought her to the Mediterranean for a business dealing lasting an entire week. She hadn't complained once though. It had always been her dream to see the Acropolis and the . While Mr. Ambrose had met his business associate, Lilly hadn't been needed there all day. She also assumed that Mr. Ambrose didn't want her any more involved in his business. So she'd spent the majority of her days here in Athens visiting the ancient temples scattered about the city. Her favorite had been the Parthenon. 

Now though, on her last day here, when Mr. Ambrose had been relatively pleased with the state of his business, Lilly had managed to convince him to visit the beach with him. Karim hadn't been particularly pleased, but he'd come as well. Her thin, sleeveless white dress flowed comfortably around her ankles. To Lilly's delight upon arriving here, she'd found that women's clothing was much less restricting, and you only needed to wear a padded shirt instead of a corset. The heat on this peninsula probably meant that any woman wearing a tight corset would probably faint. Over this past week, her skin had darkened even more. 

Lilly smiled. She couldn't wait to actually swim! Also, the bathing suit she'd bought was also suited her quite well. She couldn't wait to see what Mr. Ambrose thought. Karim was lumbering a ways after them, glaring suspiciously at the couples holding hands and strolling about the pier. It happened to be Valentine's Day as well, Lilly's favorite holiday. It was such an example of male pig headedness that they thought they needed to buy gifts, flowers, and solid chocolate for women to win their heart. What a woman really needed was a man who understood them and supported their dreams! ... The chocolate wouldn't hurt though. 

Mr. Ambrose strode along beside her, as frozen and quiet as always. Even in this sunny heat, he still wore his black tailcoat and trousers. And he was at a beach! No matter, Lilly had planned for this... 

"We're here!" She exclaimed after walking a mile away from the public beach. It was still part of it, it was just much farther than most people walked to swim. She dropped the shoulder bag containing the towels, food, and extra clothing. 

"I find this completely unnecessary," Mr. Ambrose said coldly, surveying the lapping water. Lilly shot him a bright smile. 

"Relax Mr. Ambrose! Celebrate the success of your business proposal by taking this one day off to have fun!" 

"I refuse to participate in such frivolous activities." Lilly looked up pleadingly at her boss. He met her eyes unflinchingly, seemingly immune to her charms. She sighed. It had been a long shot anyway. She turned to Karim. 

"Come on, Karim? Join me for a swim?" Karim looked at the ifrit, at the sand, at his boss, and the beckoning waves. He seemed to have a silent conversation with Mr. Ambrose. Karim actually really loved swimming. Mr. Ambrose nodded imperceptibly, and Karim stripped down to his bathing suit, which had been beneath his clothing all this time. He still kept the turban wrapped around his head though. 

Without any warning, Lilly pulled her dress over her head. Karim yelped and hid his face. Mr. Ambrose, about to do the same, stopped. His eyes traveled over the tight red suit. It was quite modest, with a little skirt that still fell to her thighs, but it was the least clothing Lilly had ever worn in his presence. With her brown hair falling down around her shoulders... She looked honestly quite divine. 

Lilly ran eagerly into the surf, and Mr. Ambrose watched contentedly from the shore. She squealed as a wave broke around her thighs. Karim left his employer to join her. The ifrit immediately started pelting him with water. Her laughs was carried away by the sea breeze, blowing gently through his hair. He settled against a blanket and pulled out his notebook. The notes for tonight were written and coded within them, just in case Lilly decided to snoop through his things. Karim's playful roar could still be heard over the lapping of the water. He raised his eyes briefly from the notes concerning the restaurant and watched Lilly. 

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