A New Beginning Part Five

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August 18th, 1844 

Lillian Carter stood in the ballroom of Lady Metcalf's annual Summer Ball. Though neither of them liked the other, Major James Carter, her husband, was one of Lady Metcalf's family friends. 

Though many young women danced gaily with the (not)gentlemen, Lilly did not envy them. She despised dancing, unless it was with her husband. Quadrilles were boring anyway, and a Gallop wasn't likely to be played at Lady Metcalf's ball. Lilly kept herself busy by looking after her children. Rikkard, as she had predicted, looked remarkably like his real father, though he didn't know that. He had neatly cut black hair, sea colored eyes, but he had his mother's nose and lips. He had just turned four a month ago, but he was exceedingly smart for his age. He knew the alphabet, could count to fifty, and had already started to read. 

However, Rik, as she called him, was incredibly stubborn, and hated going to balls. The only reason he liked going, was the solid chocolate there. Like his mother, he had a fetish for the sweet, milky treats. Her second child, this time with James, was less than a year old. Her birthday was in October, two months from now. Alexandria was clearly her Daddy's girl. She had thick curly brown hair, and deep brown eyes. She was incredibly sweet, and laughed as much as her father. 

At the moment, Lilly was running after her eldest child, leaving her youngest in the arms of her father. Rik kept dashing away to steal pieces of chocolate, however much she tried to stop him. He was getting hyper, and she knew it would take ages to make him go to sleep. "Hey! Get back here Rikkard!" She weaved in and out of the party guests, who knew enough now to move out of her way, lest she barrel through them. She grabbed for the tail end of Rik's tailcoat but he merely shrugged out of the jacket and continued on his way. The boy laughed gaily, he loved being chased by his mother. He glanced back, saw her agitated face, and giggled some more. Victory!! Facing forward again, he yelped and tried to skid to a stop. Due to the slippery, polished stone floor, he crashed straight into a pair of tall legs. 

Lilly gasped, relieved when she saw her son in the hands of a man. Her son was struggling, but the man held fast, studying him intently. "MOM!" Her son yelled, spotting her. The man turned around, and her heart stopped. Mr. Ambrose. 

He looked much as he did since he had left, five years ago. But, Lilly did quick math in her head, he was 33 now, while she was 26. He was as handsome as ever, and his eyes were the mirror image of his son's. She continued walking forward, to meet him. Mr. Ambrose took her in, her blue muslin dress, her figure, and her long hair. Then he turned to the boy he held in his arms. He had her nose, and her lips. Not much else. The boy's hair was black, his skin pale, and his eyes. Oh, his eyes. 

Wordlessly, he moved to a corner of the large ballroom. Nobody else was here, but still he moved behind a Doric style column anyway. Lilly followed him silently, the situation feeling too unreal. She had almost forgotten that five years had passed already, neither had she expected him to be here tonight. 

Her son was glancing at her, eyes wide and scared. Knowing that he would cry unless she comforted him, she raised a hand and swept it down his cheek. "Shh... Rikkard, it's alright. This is Mom's friend, Mr. Ambrose." 

She continued to talk softly to the child in his arms. Mr. Ambrose stared at her face as she did so. He could read her well, after so long, and knew that she was feeling protective. Suddenly, what she said registered in his mind. "Rikkard."  Lilly shot him an imploring look, and Mr. Ambrose gave her Rikkard. The boy immediately clasped his hands around her neck, staring nervously at the much taller man. 

Feeling brave, he said, "You look like me." 

Slowly, Mr. Ambrose nodded. "Yes, I do." 

"Why?" Hurriedly, Lilly broke in, interrupting their conversation.

Storms and Everlasting SilenceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora