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 The steady drip of water was all that accompanied her. There was no light, no feeling, no sound, except for the endless plink of water on the concrete. And the cold... There was nothing else but the cold. It surrounded her, encased her in its frigid embrace. Nothing but the cold... And the water... The cold... Water.... An eternity passed. Maybe more.

She, or was she a he...? Who was she? Assuming she was a she, of course. Faint forms floated across the blank slate that was her mind; Flashes of people that she once knew. Was that blonde, blue eyed girl her sister or her mother? When had she seen a pyramid before? Who was that strange wrinkled walnut with a beard and a turban? Was it her father? Did perfectly sculpted Greek statues kiss her regularly? Is that why she was crazy...? What was her name?

She didn't know anymore. The person she'd once been was gone.

A harsh grating sound interrupted the steady drum of water, and light flooded into the tiny concrete room. The figure huddled in the corner hissed, bowing her head and throwing her arms up against the light. Her body started to shake, her mind filled with thoughts of electric chairs and ice cold water rushing into her throat. A sharp intake of breath could be heard in the still and silent room before it was consumed by the pulse of glacial fury.

Someone started to yell, a male maybe. The voice thrummed with power, and authority, but it was strained and cracking at the same time. The tap of shoes was heard before warm hands fell against her flesh, and she flinched away, whimpering.

"Lilly... It's me," The voice, familiar but tinged with anger and grief enveloped her. She pushed the hands away, slashing with her nails. The light still blinded her eyes, and she attacked instinctively.

"I will get you out of here. Trust me... You have to trust me." She lowered her hands, recognising the voice. Could it be?

"NEVER! That woman is a blight on humanity! She's demented, unhinged, psychotic, and a danger to the public!" This voice, she recognized and hated. Terror shot through her, and she cried, trembling with fear. Arms drew around her, encircling her against a firm chest. His voice rumbled through her, a thunderhead threatening to break and unleash his own storm. Water dripped onto her face, salty and sweet on her face. The woman in his arms had once been a hurricane of her own, an accumulation of all the good and beautiful things in the world. Her storm had broken, and his broke with hers.

*6 Months Earlier*

Lilly marched through the streets of London, leading her small band of followers. Patsy was beside her, as were Flora and Eve. A smile was ever present on her face as she saw the people lining the streets, some were screaming at them to get off the street, and still others were thoughtfully reading the signs. There was less of the latter, but any kind of publicity was good publicity. If the people of London, and possibly the world, saw women rising up in insurrection against the beliefs put against them by society, maybe they would act too.





Lilly chanted with them, relishing the appalled expressions on the passerby's faces. This rally was two years in the making. After campaigning in the park for Women's Rights and Equality for three years, they'd finally gained enough support to march into the street and completely disrupt the normal Saturday afternoon. It was hard to organize the march. Some people -because there were both men and females within their ranks- were concerned that others would recognize them and ridicule them. So now they were all wearing the faces of innocent children, to symbolize what the union of men and women bore together to benefit society. Eve was quite proud of that one, for she'd thought of it.

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