Her Day

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Mr. Ambrose didn't tell anyone, but ever since the day he'd spent in the park with his secretary- celebrating his birthday and eating hamburgers- he'd secretly planned this day.That night when he'd asked her when her birthday was, Lilly had looked down at the greasy table cloth, with a blush spreading across her delicate features. Eventually, she looked up again and met his eyes. November 21.

Now, the day had come, and though Lilly had forgotten ever mentioning it to him, Mr. Ambrose remembered- and most certainly cared. He'd even gotten up an hour earlier than usual, not to do work, but to prepare his surprise. The package he'd bought for her was wrapped neatly in parchment, and if one looked closely enough, they'd see the script written neatly across it. Yes, Mr. Ambrose had been too cheap to actually buy wrapping paper. He figured Lillian wouldn't care about the wrapping after she saw the package.

Karim knocked on the door, and Mr. Ambrose let him in. "What did he say?" Mr. Ambrose asked, already knowing the answer. Nobody could resist him, powerful as he was.

"The first appointment's at 10." Mr. Ambrose nodded. That was good, very good.

"And what did Mr. Bridges say?"

"The discount is eligible still," Karim said with a straight face.

"Adequate." After sending Karim away, Mr. Ambrose spent a half-hour working through the stack on his desk. He figured he might as well get some work in before he went gallivanting off somewhere. Working also calmed him down, and right now, Mr. Ambrose definitely needed some calming.

At precisely 8:00 in the morning, Mr. Linton breezed into his office, a bright smile on her face.

"Good morning Sir!" He said enthusiastically, waving a bit. "Isn't it a beautiful day?!"

He waved outside to the thick morning fog that covered London's streets at the moment. Lilly was quite happy indeed, seeing as she had just turned 21, and could legally drink alcohol. Plus, she wasn't yet married.

"Ah, yes. Indeed, Mr. Linton. Perfect for a day of meetings with my associates. The first one is at ten. Until then, get me Box IXV46, XX321, and XV67." Mr. Linton's face fell, and she looked so dejected Mr. Ambrose almost felt bad. Almost.

Lilly cursed loudly in several different languages, a foul mood coming over her. Mr. Ambrose managed to make her euphoria dissipate faster than a cheetah could run. She stomped into her office, banging the door shut behind her with enough force to shake spiders off the ceiling. For the next two hours, she labored, carrying huge stacks of files in her arms. Damn him! How could he do this? I was so nice to him on his birthday, why couldn't he do the same? He doesn't actually care you know. He's probably already forgotten. Could he have? I mean... it was his first celebration in 18 years. He definitely forgot, Lilly. Ugh...

At 9:45, Mr. Ambrose called her into his office. His cane was in hand, and his top hat in the other. "Let's go, Mr. Linton. I've got some very important people I need to impress today that would be very beneficial to my business, and we don't want to be late." Mr. Ambrose started to the door before turning back around with a barely audible sigh. His eyes roved up and down, starting at the untucked tailcoat and sweat stained shirt to the sticky, red face of he- his. "And clean yourself up, will you? I don't want my personal secretary sweating and stinking up the office."

"Why, you callous,mean, frozen, chauvinistic bastard!" Lillian yelled at his retreating back. Mr. Ambrose didn't flinch. She ran after him, panting heavily. "Get back here! I'm going to-"

Lilly ran all the way down the stairs. Even at full tilt, Mr. Ambrose still managed to march down the stairs faster than she. Lilly finally arrived at the rickety old chaise with the grey horse two minutes after Mr. Ambrose, who regarded her impatiently with those icy eyes of his. Out of breath, she didn't even try to complain as Mr. Ambrose rebuked her silently as she staggered onto the chaise, completely winded. Her panted threats were forgotten as she settled back onto the stiff wooden seat, trying her best to catch her breath. Karim got in as well, and set the horse clopping at a brisk canter down the street.

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