A Trip to the Colonies Part Three

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Two days Later

(Yeah basically, Mr. Ambrose moved off the bed on the first two mornings before Lilly woke up, so she doesn't know he sleeps with her at night. Plus, they're still a little skunky, which is why Pesrl has them sleep in her mom's room together, and her eviiilll plan of course! Lilly's told her almost everything that happened. Besides the almost losing control in Egypt. Basically- they "only shared a few kisses, but they mean nothing. I hate him actually." Pearl, as you can probably tell, is not convinced. Mr. Ambrose's business has been suspended, seeing as he stinks, and one can't make a good deal when smelling like rotten flesh. So he's forced to rely on Karim and stay at home. 

Sorry guys but I was too lazy to write all of that and actually give you an update! This story takes place on the second morning the skunking occurs.

When Lilly woke up the next morning, it was in the strong, warm arms of a man. What!? Twisting around, she was met with the relaxed face of her employer, still in the clutches of sleep. With the dawn light slanting in from the window in the corner, his usually sharp featured had softened in the golden glow, taking away it's stoniness. Lilly sucked in a breath, he was, quite honestly, handsome. Stop Lilly! You have never, and will never like a Man! So STOP thinking he's beautiful!

Wrenching her gaze away from his closed lids and long lashes, they dropped to the full, pink lips. Woah. BLAST IT! Ignoring her inner voice, Lilly reached forward, freeing her arm from the cage that his strong arms made around her. Her thumb lightly stroked the curve of his soft lips, reveling in the feeling of his cool skin against hers. She smiled. He wasn't so statuesque after all!

During her forage on his lips, his sea colored eyed had flicked open, meeting hers instantaneously. Color bloomed across her tanned skin, and she shied away, lifting her fingers. "Good morning Sir." Her whispered breath puffed across his lips, leaving them tingling with pleasure.

"Lilly." Mr. Ambrose's arms tightened around her, and he rolled, situating himself on top of her. Her breath hitched and her fingers rose to clutch at the collar of the thin white shirt he'd worn to bed.

"Y-yes?" She stuttered out.

"I..." He reached forward a hand, stroking down her cheek gently. Her eyes flickered shut, and she gasped at feather light sensation.

With a crash, the door burst open, and a tall shadow loomed over them. Within milliseconds of the door opening, the heavy weight had disappeared off her shoulders, and Lilly opened an eye. Mr. Ambrose was nonchalantly straightening  his clothes, as though he had merely rolled out of bed, instead of having rolled off of Lilly. Jabari, judging from his amused expression, believed nothing of the sort. Her cheeks bloomed red again as she turned away from the man and started to fix the bed.

"Jabari, what is the meaning of this?"

"What do you mean, Ambrose?"

He glowered at the taller man. "It's. Mister Ambrose to you. And there must be a reason as to why you have woken us at dawn," Mr. Ambrose gestured at the bluish purple skies and the lengthening rays of light from the sun, just coming over the horizon.

"You did not seem to be sleeping," Jabari jested lightly with a wide smile. He continued hurriedly, seeing the glares of both people thrown his way. "We are going hunting! That awful smell has faded, and the animals may no longer detect you. Plus, food is needed."

Lilly's spirits brightened immediately. "Hunting!!"

"Yes, Ms. Linton. Would you like to accompany us?"

"Of course, I'll just get ready! Mr. Ambrose, unless you'd like to see my undergarments- I suggest you leave." Jabari's parting chuckle echoed, soon dissipating in the suddenly freezing temperatures emanating from the iceberg in the room.

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