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Mr. Ambrose was enjoying a nice, quiet Saturday alone at his desk, working methodically through the mountain of files on his desk. The sun was shining, the breeze was cool and refreshing, bringing the taste of spring into the neat room. Though Mr. Ambrose did not believe in recreation and enjoying oneself, he did appreciate the quiet of the peaceful day. Everyone seemed to be outside, doing useless, nonsensical things. Even the loud drunk next door had quieted down, probably lulled into a deep sleep by the buzzing bees. So when his dogs started barking outside, shattering his concentration, his temper immediately rose. 

His two dogs, Barb and Wire were always good, well trained dogs. They loved their Master, and Mr. Ambrose did like them somewhat. They had been loyal companions. Though Karim had advised against bringing such large, vicious guard dogs to England, he'd refused. He hadn't been able to leave them back in the Colonies. They were usually quiet, knowing their Master disliked loud barking. But to be truthful, Mr. Ambrose hadn't walked them once this week, and they were sure to be antsy from being cooped up. 

He went downstairs. His house wasn't large, but it was respectable enough that any business associate wouldn't turn up his nose at the stinginess. They were definitely surprised to see that he lived in a middle class house though. Mr. Ambrose found the two dobermans sitting at the backdoor, pawing at it. He also happened to have a small backyard. He unlatched the door, and both dogs sprang out into the fresh air, tongues lolling out. Despite himself, Mr. Ambrose smiled faintly. Barb did his business then turned to attack his smaller companion. He watched them for a few moments, then went back upstairs. 

He managed to get through a few more calculations on the Balance Sheet before a round of raucous barking started. He heard a scream from down below. He groaned. He looked lovingly back at the record of his profit, then marched downstairs. He opened the door, expecting to see his two dogs. Instead, he met the scared eyes of a woman and a man. The man was glaring at him, while the woman clung at his arm. 

"Where are they?" They pointed wordlessly down the street. Two black and tan streaks were getting farther and farther away. If Mr. Ambrose was in the habit of cursing,  he would have. He locked the doors to his house then ran after them. The last thing he wanted was someone to try and catch the two, only to be mauled. 


Lilly was walking around the pond at St. James Park, the cool breeze playing across her face. Her friends hadn't been able to meet her today, but still she stayed at the park, watching the other people. Most of the people walking were couples, young men and women strolling together in the shade of the trees. Or they were parents, pushing a baby stroller ahead of them, occasionally cooing. If she hadn't found Mr. Ambrose, she would have been one of those people. Stuck in a life she didn't want. Mr. Ambrose was her freedom, though it was a temporary one. 

She crouched at the bank of the pond, getting her skirts muddy. A few people sent her scandalized glares, but she was well used to them, so she didn't mind. She skimmed the tips of her fingers over the top of the water. It was cool, and rather refreshing. If she hadn't her job to go back to on Monday, Lilly would have seriously considered stripping to her corset underwear to dunk herself in the water. She'd never actually gone swimming in her life.  (I JUST GOT ANOTHER FANFIC IDEA!!) 

A round of loud barking reached her eyes, accompanied with the shrill shrieks of other ladies and the deep yells of the men. She stood up, scanning for the source of the disturbance. The barking got louder. She turned to her left, and to her horror found two huge dogs. Their jaws were wide open, saliva dripping from their fangs. She yelped, backing away from them. She brandished her parasol at them. "Get back, You foul beasts! I have a sharp parasol and I'm not afraid to use it!" 

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