Chapter 7

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Ruby's mind started to wonder on one question that was swirling on her brain.

She asked to them, "Now, I want to know why do you guys kill."

Then hell broke loose. There was shouting with different reasons, but ending with the same feeling. They needed chaos and havoc, because that felt like home. Ruby was taken back by their statement and thought how could they look so normal, but their eyes glitter of evil.

She nodded with a straight face and demanded, "All of you need to teach me something that you are proud of. That could be anything."

The rogues' faces changed to confusion as they weren't sure on why their Alpha would expect that from them. Ruby explained that she wanted to learn about each rogue and what made them special. She promised that she would protect them from any harm, but they would have to stay faithful to Ruby and trust her. She asked everyone and after few thoughts they agreed.

Small footsteps were heard and everyone turned to see Elena hiding behind Shelly and scared of the sight. Ruby ran to her and held her in her arms and hugged her tightly and Elena asked why they were here. Ruby simply said, "That's our new family."

Elena asked sceptically, "But they are scary..."

Ruby smiled at her honesty, "But I trust them, entirely."

Ruby felt an undeniable connection to everyone, she thought it must be the Alpha bond. But she knew that was more than that. It was a feeling that dark people usually felt beneath all the façade, loneliness and lost. She looked into their eyes and saw gratitude. A beginning of an unknown that was greater than fear, a risk with a potential to turn a powerful unification.

Next day, Ruby decided to get some time off of her work and hand back to Shelly. She went to an abandoned old house, where all the rogues situated and she thought how were they surviving. Ruby found her Beta and Omega waiting outside and talking to each other.

They both looked at Ruby and smiled widely and mentioned her to follow them. When she reached, she looked at her pack and counted them but it was impossible.
Finally, she asked Isaac the total and he informed that was around hundred lost wolves. Her new family needed her to handle the reins and her wolf was more than ready to protect all of them.

Through a whole week living with them, Ruby met everyone individually and bonded with them. She found out that her initial theory was right. They were lost, unwanted and misguided. There were wolves who wanted to spill blood, so Ruby decided that they would be trained to be the best warriors and others would help through other ways.

She called her assistant and asked to look for a bigger and brighter house that the rogues would call home. Ruby found a perfect house and surprised her pack with a gigantic surprise and they all were happy, but before they settled on their rooms, Ruby promised once again, "I want to be an Alpha for you and I will always try to give everything you want. I will always protect you."

They all bowed to Ruby and ran to their room and started to explore their surroundings. There were laughter and joy through the whole house.

Ruby made her exit and went to see her daughter, whom she missed so much and wasn't able to see her for a week. When she got home, they hugged each other and talked about their unknown future.



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