Chapter 43

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Time blurred on the plane.

Thinking of what might happen and who was in the need of help. However, she had a secret, her power. She could use them in case of an emergency. It took almost a whole day, but they had reached New York.

Ruby was able to call Jeremy and the kids to tell that she had arrived in the USA safely. After that, there was a driver to take to the location and that took several hours on the road. Along the drive, Ruby started to fade into the slumber.

She woke up when someone was shaking her. She opened her eyes and blinked until she could see clearly. She saw Dylan in front of her with a mischievous smile, he said, "We are here."

Isaac asked from the driver seats, "Are you ready?"

Ruby answered, "Yes."

Dylan asked, "What is the plan?"

Ruby said, "Get the rogue and make part of our family. Then, he can decide whatever he wants to go home or Canada."

Isaac nodded, "Okay, Alpha."

Ruby got out of the car and the first thing she saw was a pink tree house hanging on the highest tree. She choked into the memories that filled on her mind. She remembered of an exact same tree house where she would hide from all the nightmares.

Dylan broke all her thoughts, "Alpha, is after these trees."

Each step that Ruby took, her heart started to beat very slow and her wolf was getting wild inside. She hadn't felt that anger since she had lost it, but she was even more afraid if... Ruby stopped when she saw a light blue pack house.

Few werewolves were already outside mingling but didn't bother to sense her presence. She stopped on her tracks and Isaac asked, "What is the matter, Alpha?"

Dylan continued, "Any problems?"

Ruby looked at both of them and remember who she really was. The Rogue's Alpha. One of the royal packs. She was Alpha Warzone. Her confidence booster 100 times higher, as soon as she remembered her family back in London. She had a job to do and that was it.

Ruby warned, "Whatever happens you won't create a scene. Remember why we are here."

Isaac asked, "Why?"

Ruby said, "Just follow my orders."

Both of them echoed, "Yes, Alpha."

They continued on her path, Isaac and Dylan walked in front of Ruby. She was reassured herself and her wolf that they were above her and they couldn't do anything. But there was fear, after all, they were people who beat her and left to die several times.

This was the exact same place where her so-called mate rejected. She needed to solve the rogue problem as soon as possible.

When they reached, the Alpha of Moonshine Pack and his pack was in front of Ruby and her companions. Everyone looked surprised to see her, while some of them had disgusted expressions.

Ruby brushed them off and looked straight to Peter who was her ex-mate. He looked relieved, happy and shocked. 

Ruby started before anyone had time to make a rude remark, "Good morning, Alpha Hale. I am Alpha Warzone."


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