Chapter 17

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Ruby started to walk deeper into the woods and she saw how the half-moon shined through the dark sky. She knew that place very well as sometimes she would change into her wolf. But that was rare, because her wolf couldn't be contained and was uncontrollable with rage that her mates had created.

A voice rang, "You came."

Ruby turned to the voice and looked at Jeremy. He was standing near to a tree and looking directly at her. She had been so lost on who she was that she didn't realise that someone had sneaked up on her.

Ruby said, "I came here to tell you something."

He asked, "What?"

She said, "I won't be here for a few months. Tell Alex that if he needs anything, then he can call me."

Jeremy jerked and moved closer to Ruby with his vampire speed. He stood in front of her, inches away from her face. He asked, "You can't go anywhere."

Ruby smiled and simply said, "I have to."

Jeremy narrowed his eyes, "Where? And do what?"

Ruby said, "I can't tell you that." Jeremy was angry by her statement, but Ruby continued, "I just came here to say goodbye."

Then, she inched closer and brought her lips next to his and kiss him once more lightly and turned away from him. But Jeremy held her wrist and pushed her backwards, which lead Ruby's back hit his chest. He whispered, "I won't let you go that easily."

Ruby moved her head until she had a good view of his face. They looked at each other for a long time without saying anything. She tried again, "I will come back, Jeremy."

Ruby didn't know what was going on between them, but something was making them crazy for each other. They couldn't be apart or without having a sense of contact. It was almost as they were mates, but they weren't. Because Ruby already had met both of them and they had rejected her. But whatever she had with Jeremy was undeniable, something that even Ruby's wolf couldn't deny.

Jeremy let go of her and Ruby turned around to hug him. She instantly felt arms enveloping around her waist. She pushed a bit back and asked the question that she has been dying to ask, "What are we?"

Jeremy pushed a strand of hair away from her face and Ruby closed her eyes. He answered, "I don't know, but I don't want to stop."

Ruby let a tear fall and answered with her closed, "Me neither."

Next thing she felt was his lips moving against hers. Their kiss was slow and featherlike as they were afraid that moment would break. They moved their bodies closer till the air didn't pass through them.

Their lips moved in sync and without missing a beat, feeling like they could stay on that moment forever. Ruby moved away to breathe and their foreheads touched. They stayed on their bubble until Jeremy broke, "When are you coming back?"

Ruby said, "Soon." Jeremy hugged her tightly and Ruby continued, "Can you feel it?"

Ruby felt Jeremy nodding, "I do. Whatever we have, I do."

She tried to push away and feeling her wolf whimper, "But you are a vampire and I am a werewolf. We are supposed to be enemies."

"I know, but I can't stop thinking about you. What have you done to me?"

Ruby giggled lightly, "The same you did to me." Ruby opened her eyes and pushed a bit back till she saw his eyes, she continued, "My pack and your colony aren't goi--"

Jeremy blurred, "Do you want to?"

Ruby said confused, "Want what?"

Jeremy asked quietly, "Us?"

Ruby asked, "Can we work?"

Jeremy shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know."

Ruby said, "If we aren't enemies or lovers, then what are we?"

Jeremy repeated, "Us."

Ruby smiled and said, "I would like that."

Jeremy agreed, "Me too."

After their declarations, they kissed once again. Ruby felt happy that she had a chance to have something for herself. This relationship with Jeremy was forbidden, but it was fulfilling.

Ruby wondered if she liked the thrill of being caught, but at that moment she was content. Ruby left Jeremy into woods and returned to her house.

She went to bed after checking on Elena and slept.


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