Chapter 28

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She had never felt so much sorrow and sadness as she felt now. Her sadness showed on her tears but she wiped them away and took several breaths. She composed herself and she thought of the game plan to play with the Alphas. She tried again and again but her mind drifted to Jeremy. 

Ruby got out of the pack house without anyone seeing her and run into the woods. She didn't want to feel anything, so she transformed into a black wolf with crimson red eyes.

Her wolf started to run but Ruby knew that her wolf felt the same, sadness. Just like Ruby, her wolf had attached to Jeremy. He was the only one to calm her down with only one touch. That's all it took.

By the time that Ruby walked inside of the pack house, it was already dark and everyone was sleeping. She felt tired physically and emotionally. Ruby looked inside and all the lights were off. She entered inside and closed the door slowly. When she was about to go upstairs to sleep, someone stopped her. The voice said, "Where were you?"

She looked into the voice's direction and found a few pack members worried, praying to Moon Goddess and angry. The only ones that looked angry were Isaac and Dylan. Isaac asked the rest to sleep and they gladly walked into their rooms. Ruby felt like a teenager and she had been caught by her parents. She smiled at her stupid assessment.

Isaac snapped, "What are you smiling about? Is this funny to you?"

Ruby crossed her arms and smirked. She asked, "You tell me, Dad."

Isaac started, "Ruby, you--"

But Dylan interrupted, "Where were you? We were looking for you. Elena was worried and waiting here for you but she fell asleep."

Ruby regretted her actions and she scolded herself for being so reckless. She didn't realise that Elena would do something like that, but she should be so shocked. She was her daughter, the worry machine.  Ruby asked, "Where is she?"

Dylan said, "In the bedroom."

Ruby let out a breath that she didn't know that was holding. Isaac continued, "What happened? Where did you go?"

Ruby said, "To clear my mind."

Dylan asked with concern, "Is something wrong?"

Ruby shook her head and faked smiled. Ruby lied, "Just worrying about tomorrow."

Dylan nodded but Isaac didn't look convinced. Ruby changed the subjects, "How was training?"

Dylan said, "It was good. You don't need to worry about anything."

Ruby nodded once, "Good." Ruby could feel Isaac stare burning a hole in her face, she said, "It is getting late."

Dylan nodded, "Yes. Good night, Alpha."

Ruby nodded and smiled both of them and started to walk again, when Isaac spoke, "Alpha, whatever really happens, we will always be here."

Ruby's heart clenched and she gave a weak smile pulling her tears down. She nodded once again and walked fast as she could to her bedroom. She saw her daughter sleeping and quickly slipped in the bedroom.

Looking at her reflection, she could only think of the phone call and her goodbye to Jeremy. She knew that Jeremy wouldn't do anything because Ruby knew that he cared about his reputation more than his happiness. She knew for a fact he felt the same, but...

Ruby shook those thoughts and took a quick shower. She changed and slipped under the covers and we awaited that the next day would allow her another smile.


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