Chapter 39

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The Queen came next to him and said to everyone, "I called King Jeremy to this ceremony as Alpha Warzone is joining the royal ground."

Everyone stopped growling and bowed, but remained tense. Everyone shifted to different directions, unaware how to react. More vampires started to spread throughout the room and tried to mingle with other wolves.

Ruby's pack stayed wary, but they knew that Ruby had met the King and had talked to him. However, they didn't know which vampire Ruby had a relationship with, but she could trust her pack to stay quiet.

After the Queen walked the opposite way, Jeremy started walking towards Ruby, never breaking their stare. As he got closer, Eric became more and tenser.

When Jeremy was in front of her, Eric blocked the path and they broke their eye connection. Eric spoke, "You took the wrong direction, vampire."

Instead of answering to him, Jeremy asked Ruby, "Do you need other people to fight your battles, Ruby?"

Eric defended, "It is Alpha Warzone to you."

Jeremy ignored Eric again and said, "Ruby, how have you been?"

Ruby broke from her bubble and pushed Eric out of the way. She grabbed Jeremy's arm and pulled into a nearby corner. When she knew that no one could hear, she asked, "What are you doing here?"

Jeremy shrugged his shoulders, "Was invited, as you saw."

Ruby whispered, "What are you trying to do? Do want everyone to know that we..."

Jeremy asked, "We what? Say it, Ruby."

Ruby broke, "I can't go round and round, Jeremy. You chose to walk away, now let me go."

Jeremy said with a straight face, "No. I won't lose you again."

Ruby asked, "What about the model?"

Jeremy asked, "The human? She was just food. You can't--"

Another voice broke into the air, "What is going on over here?"

Ruby and Jeremy looked at the source, leaving Jeremy smirking and Ruby nervous. Ruby let go of his arm and said few feet away from Jeremy, "Nothing."

Jeremy asked, "Nothing? We are something, Ruby. From the start."

Ruby was surprised that Jeremy had announced another soul about their broken relationship. Before she could ask anything, Eric asked, "What is he saying, Ruby?"

Ruby started, "I... We... I--"

A female voice spoke, "They were together."

Jeremy, Ruby and Eric faced the new individual, to find the Queen standing there in her cream dress.

She came next to Eric and continued with a frown, "However, Jeremy destroyed whatever he had with Ruby unless she..."

Jeremy was first to speak, "You knew?"

The Queen giggled, "Of course."

Eric said in anger, "Queen, we need to kick her out. She bet--"

The Queen defended, "She didn't betray anyone and it's her choice."

Queen turned to Ruby and asked, "Tell me, Ruby, what do want?"

Every head turned to the quiet Ruby and she was still in shock to be caught by Eric. She was afraid that everything she built would destroy, but at the same she was relieved.

She felt free from one of her secrets and took one deep breath and looked at the Queen, avoiding to other stares, "I want to see my daughter."

The Queen nodded and Ruby rushed out of there and grabbed Elena and walked upstairs. Elena looked worried and asked, "What happen, Mummy?"

Ruby said, "You need to be ready."

Elena echoed, "Ready?"

Ruby continued, "I need you to stay here and wait for me. If anyone else comes, don't trust and attack. Lock the doors."

Ruby started to walk out of the door, when Elena held her wrist and said with tears, "Mummy, are you coming back?"

Ruby weakly said, "If I don't, open the box down on the bed and it will tell what to do."

Elena pressed, "Promise me that you are coming back."

Ruby kissed her cheek and said with fresh tears, "I love you, sweets."

Elena was about to demand again when Ruby pushed her lightly and closed the door and shouted to lock the door. Elena did as she was told and Ruby walked downstairs.

Ruby thought about her options. There only two possible scenarios, someone will kill her and Jeremy or they will walk away. She wondered who would strike first.


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