Chapter 40

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As she expected, everyone was cleared out. Her pack looked pensive, probably adding on which vampire it was. The Alphas look angry, whereas the Queen and Jeremy are talking to each other.

Ruby started to walk downstairs and said in a loud voice, "Is the party over?"

Eric rushed to her and grabbed her arm tightly and shouted, "You betrayed us by being with the enemy."

But before Ruby could say any words, Eric was pushed back and her back encircled her to protect her. She was glad that her pack was on her side, she heard Isaac whisper, "We will talk about this later."

Dylan continued whispering, "You are an Alpha, don't let them disrespect you."

Ruby nodded and pushed her pack members out of the way, and they understood that she needed to stay in front and lead. Ruby started with a cold voice, "Just because I am not talking, doesn't mean that you can say anything, Alpha Eric."

Ben said while pointing at Jeremy, "You are dating a vampire? Him, the King?"

Ruby said, "We never dated."

Jeremy intervened, "We are more than you can ever wonder."

Eric repeated, "You betrayed us."

This time the Queen intervened, "It's her life, Alphas. Stand down."

Eric intervened, "I won't. You are supposed... I knew someday you will make us regret."

Ruby explained and looking into Jeremy's eyes, "I knew from the start that Jeremy was a vampire, but I didn't care. He made my heart whole."

Eric shouted, "You don't deserve to be in our group. We can't accept you."

Ruby looked at each Alpha and they all looked destroyed and their eyes didn't meet hers. She wanted to see care on them, but she knew it was too late.

She wasn't sorry, because she was following her heart. Ruby said while holding her tears back, "If that's what you all think, then..."

Luke whispered before he walked out of the room, "We do."

Quickly others followed, leaving Ben and Eric behind. They kept staring at Ruby with so much hurt, agony and anger. Ruby couldn't do anything. Ben spoke, "I didn't expect this from you."

He walked away without a second glance and Eric said his last words before he went outside, "Our interactions will only be about our packs. We are not friends or family. We are nothing."

Ruby watched them all walked away and a small part broke, it was like someone taken away her family that she had found a week ago. The Queen spoke, "Ruby, they will come around."

Ruby didn't blame the Queen, she knew that someday this truth would come out and destroy something in her life. Her guard came and took the Queen back to her house, while Jeremy still looked directly at Ruby.

Ruby turned to her pack and said, "It is him."

They all looked behind and back at Ruby. Isaac said, "Alpha, you can do whatever you want."

Dylan continued, "You always supported us, and why wouldn't we?"

Magda said with a smile, "We don't need to know nine Alphas, we are happy that our Alphas is kind, ruthless and smart. If he makes you happy, then we are too."

A build man said, "Alpha, we will always support you."

That left Ruby smiling ear-to-ear, she was glad that she didn't lose them all over again. It is true they knew that she was with a vampire, but it is something else when it is the king.

Ruby knew that didn't trust Jeremy, so they warned before scattering in their rooms, "If you do anything to her, we will destroy you."

After they all left, Ruby turned and looked at Jeremy. Before Jeremy could say any word, Ruby announced, "I need to do something. Wait outside for me."

He nodded and Ruby run upstairs to her room. She knocked and Elena opened the door. She hugged her mother and cried till it formed a river. Ruby assured, "Everything is good. Nothing happens."

Elena asked, "What happen, Mummy?"

Ruby said, "The Alphas and the Queen are gone."

Elena asked while wiping her tears, "When will see them?"

Ruby said, "I don't know. Come with me, I want you to meet someone."

Elena asked, "Who?"

Ruby said simply, "Come."


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