Chapter 13

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The cab driver halted in front of her pack house and she paid the money. She stood in the patio and looked outside of her pack house with a dark sky.

The taxi started to move out, but Ruby stood there, looking and thinking. Finally, she gathered enough courage and went inside. The light was on and there was shouting in the dining room.

Ruby took her coat slowly and robotically. She started to make walk towards the room, where they all turned around when she entered. Each one of them had a smile and Ruby felt that she had betrayed them, but she wasn't brave enough to tell them.

Elena ran to her mother cheering and Ruby picked her up. Ruby walked to her seat and sat on her chair with Elena. One of the pack members started to pour some food on Ruby's plate and she just looked at it. Elena asked what was wrong, but Ruby disregarded her.

Finally, everyone had eaten and Ruby looked at her plate, which was still full. Her appetite had vanished and she let Elena eat, but she started to walk towards her office.

When she got inside of her office, she closed the door. She sat behind her desk and started to zone out on that moment that changed everything. Ruby thought how her wolf lost control so easily over things regarding Elena and her pack.

Then she thought of Jeremy and how with one touch he was able to calm her. She thought of her all possibilities on how this had happened and she found no answers. She felt lost after months.

The door opened and Isaac was revealed with Dylan. They entered without permission and sat on the chair on the other side of the desk. Dylan asked, "What is wrong?"

Ruby lied, "Nothing."

Isaac spoke, "Something happened. You never get worried, unless is about us or Elena."

Ruby shrugged her arms and found a half-truth, "I am worried that I am going to be a bad Alpha. That I will do something that will end up arming you all."

Isaac sighed and said, "You are a good Alpha and nothing will happen to us."

"You don't know that."

Dylan asked again, "Is this about the vampires?"

Ruby started to struggle with her words, but she found her voice after she cleared her throat. She said, "A little."

Dylan suggested, "I say we kill them."

Isaac interrupted him, "And declare war? That would be a bad choice."

Ruby said, "No wars will be declared. You won't do anything, Dylan."

Dylan tried again, "But he already declined our offer."

Ruby argued, "He is the King, he will come around on the offer. Nobody wants a war, it's too bloody and consuming. He will try to avoid it."

Dylan contemplated with Ruby's words and agreed by nodding his head and Isaac also nodded his head. They stood up and excused themselves, as for Ruby she stayed behind and started to overthink about her situation.


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