Chapter 46

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By the time they returned to Moonshine Pack was already getting dark.

Ruby and others needed to stay on their pack house, Ruby hated that but for that rogue, she would endurance them.

When they walked inside, she could see several pack members gathered around the living room chatting among themselves, but as soon as they saw her everyone quietens down.

Ruby smiled at them because she loved to invoke fear on her enemies. Ruby was about to call Elena when her wolf chanted angrily her mate's name. She turned around and the individual was laughing.

In front of her were her two ex-mates laughing with each other. Ruby stood there staring and after a few seconds, they turned around.

Christian Black, her second mate, looked shocked by seeing her but she didn't show any expression.

Christian whispered, which lead everyone to look at him, "Mate."

Peter shouted, "What?"

Ruby smiled and introduced herself like she never met him, "Hello, I'm Alpha Warzone."

Christian repeated, "Alpha?"

Ruby pouted at Christian who looked surprised, "Didn't Alpha Hale tell you. I am the rogue Alpha." She looked back at Peter and continued, "I am tired. Where are my quarters?"

He didn't respond because he was still looking at Christian for calling me to mate, but she didn't care. She sighed, "Aiden, rooms?"

Aiden appeared and frowned, "Upstairs?"

She smiled and said, "Good, dog."

Aiden's frown deepens and Ruby was making her way to her room when Christian stood before her and held her wrist. He said to her, "I am sorry. I didn't mean, I was wrong. I need you in my life."

Ruby slapped him as she did to Peter, and he let go of her wrist. She pointed a finger at him and said, "Don't ever touch me!"

She straightens her back and put her hand down and said, "Move on, I already did."

Peter shouted to everyone, "OUT. EVERYONE. OUT!"

Everyone scattered into their rooms, but everyone could hear through their werewolf hearing. Peter glared at Isaac and Dylan, but they didn't move, nor were scared. Peter was about to shout again, when she said to him, "They are not going anywhere."

Peter huffed and Christian looked like a lost puppy. They both disgusted her and she didn't want to be there or anywhere near them. Ruby said out loud, "Moments like these, I am glad that I found my real family."

Christian said, "I am your family. Now that I found--"

But he was interrupted by Peter, while he walked in between Ruby and Christian. Peter said, "She is my mate."

Christian asked, "She is my mate."

Peter was getting angry and repeated, "My mate."

Christian's own temper was raising, "Only my mate."

Ruby wanted chaos on their heart, so she decided to play with their feelings. She intervened smiling, "Actually, neither of you are worthy. I have someone who fulfils my needs."

Both of them faced her, full of anger. Peter and Christian's eyes turned black and flashing that they are almost losing control with their wolves. Peter said viciously, "Who is that?"

Ruby smiled, "Someone that isn't you or Christian."

Both of them growled at her and Isaac and Dylan approached forwards and growled back with red eyes. At first, both of them were shocked, but they recover their black eyes.

She was enjoying their inner agony and she taunted, "Do it hurt when I reject both of you?"

They faced Ruby again with black eyes, but their eyes didn't scare her. Her inner monster is more vicious then them combined. She continued, "I am enjoying your suffering. I thought that death would make me happy, but this is much better."

Christian became sad and Peter became angrier than before. Peter asked, "Do you enjoy making me angry?"

Ruby shook her head and said, "No. I enjoy watching you suffer like I suffered every time I spent on this house and every time I remembered about the rejection. If it was for Jeremy, then I would be lost. He is my one true love. My heart."

Peter sneered, "He can never love you as I do."

Christian asked, "You found someone else?"

Ruby smiled thinking of her family, "Not just someone, but a family."

Dylan intervened, "Our niece and nephew are the best."

Christian asked again, "You have children?"

Ruby laughed lightly, "Come on did you expect me to weep forever because I lost my mates?"

She looked at them and sneered, "I am much stronger than that."

Isaac said, "Alpha, they are pathetic. Fate must have made a mistake when Moon Goddess chose them as your mates."

Ruby looked at them and nodded, "You are right."

She continued when both of them looked at her with sadness, "You made your bed, now lie in it."

She turned around and told her Beta and Omega, "I am going for a run. Both of your rest."

Isaac said, "We can come with you."

Ruby smiled, "Both of you are tired, go and sleep."

Dylan saluted and said, "Yes, Alpha."

Ruby watched them walk to their room and looked one last time and said, "I will never forgive any of you."

Then, Ruby walked effortlessly outside and into the woods.


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