Chapter 14

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Next day, she had done routine chores and sent Elena to school. She was currently in her office and working on her next event. She was trying to draw some designs but it was difficult when her thoughts were consumed with Jeremy.

She thought of the first time they meet, talked and threaten each other. She realised that her relationship with him was not normal.

She was so consumed with their meetings that she didn't realise at her young intruder. When Ruby realised, she stood up and showed her red eyes to him, but she calmed down when she saw Alex.

Ruby sat back on her chair and smiled at him. She gestured him to sit on the other side and he gladly followed her instructions. No words were spoken and a strange silence wrapped around them.

Ruby spoke, "How can I help you, Alex?"

Alex curiously asked, "What happen yesterday?"

Ruby smiled forcefully and said, "Nothing. You better talk to your father."

Alex frowned, "He is not talking to me and you were the only other person who could give me answers."

Ruby stood up and sat on the other chair, next to Alex. She spoke softly at him, "What is really wrong?"

Alex looked at the wall and said, "Nothing important."

Ruby coached, "You can tell me. I won't tell anyone."

Alex shrugged his shoulders, "I wonder if my father ever loved my mother."

Ruby said, "Oh sweetie. Yes, he did. Do you know how I know?"

Alex didn't speak anything, just shook his head. Ruby continued, "Because you were born. Only people who are in love ha--"

Alex retorted, "I am not naïve. I know you don't need love to make children."

Ruby looked at the floor and frowned, "That is true." She looked back and continued, "But I can see that he loves you very much and he won't let any harm get to you."

Alex asked, "Even if that is you?"

Ruby smiled, "Yes. Do you think I would harm you?"

Alex said, "No, you saved me." He looked back in the wall and continued, "I miss my mother."

Ruby felt bad at his sorrow and she found that she could relate to this young man. She said something that no one had offered her and she wished that some had done that, "If you ever need something, I will always be here."

Alex looked back at Ruby like she had grown three heads and said, "Why would you?"

Ruby said, "Because I know what is to not have a mother."

Alex said sadly, "Your mother too..."

Ruby nodded, "Yes. My mother died when she had me. I never got to see her."

Alex said, "How did you cope?"

Ruby looked on the ground and answer, "I never truly did. Nobody was there to help me."

Alex asked, "What about your family?"

Ruby looked into Alex's wondering eyes and remembered when she was in her old pack. Alex spoke, "Why are you crying?"

Ruby realised that tears crossed her face and she quickly wiped and brought a fake smile. Ruby said, "I think you should go. Your father must be looking for you."

Alex agreed and stood up, "You are right."

Ruby nodded her head and he smiled. Then, he left without looking back and closing the door. There Ruby was, alone in her office overthink about someone that would cause problems. She didn't know what to do so she decided to finish her designs.

Nightfall came quickly to her as she had some ideas after Alex's small visit. It had inspired Ruby to draw something that could relate to the clients and make more extravagant.

She smiled at her designs and placed them on the right drawer. She took her belongings and started to walk on the lonely parking lot. It was light and everyone was in their homes, but Ruby liked the darkness it gave her a sense of security.

She opened her car door when she felt a presence behind her. Ruby turned around and saw the individual that she was trying to forget. There Jeremy stood, watching her silently.  Jeremy started, "You saw Alex."

Ruby realised that wasn't a question as it was a statement. He wasn't asking, he was confirming. Ruby decided, to tell the truth, "Yes, he did."

Jeremy asked on the same spot, "What did he want?"

Ruby thought about telling him the truth, but their conversation had been personal. So Ruby decided to say, "It is between me and him."

She was tried to run away by getting inside the car, but Jeremy held her arm and pushed her away from the door. He closed the car's door and pushed her against the car, which she was sandwiched between the car and him.

Ruby looked at their distance and she realised that it was very small. Jeremy was so close that she could smell his cologne, which was driving her crazy.

Ruby tried to push him away but he held her tightly against the car. She finally got the courage to look into his dangerous eyes and waited for his next move, but it never came. Ruby said, "What do you want from me?"

Jeremy took some time to think, but he eventually said, "I don't know."

Ruby didn't say anything; they were comfortable staring at each other with their distance. But Ruby remembered about Elena and she spoke, "I have to go."

Jeremy denied, "No."

Ruby sighed and said, "I have to go, Jeremy. My daughter is waiting for me."

That seemed to bring Jeremy to his ground. He let go of her and backed away from her. But their eyes never left each other. Ruby knew that they weren't mates and so-called-enemies, but something pulling them to each other. Ruby took that opportunity to open the car door again, but before Ruby got inside of the car Jeremy said, "I will see you again soon."

Ruby drove till she was home. When she reached her destination, she checked her daughter and went to her bedroom. She was trying to sleep, but she just seemed to recall those unexplainable moments. Eventually, slumber swallowed her whole and she slept.


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