Chapter 22

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Ruby had travelled back to London in a couple of hours and she was in front of her house, where her daughter was waiting for her eagerly. She opened the door and called for her. Elena came running and hugged Ruby tight and she blabbed everything that happens throughout those days that Ruby was absent.

Ruby looked at her watch and realised that Elena's time to walk to school. She told Elena and after some convincing, Elena was walking to her school and promised to listen when she came back.

Ruby decided to go to her pack house and discuss the future deal that they could make. She walked a path that leads there and walked inside. She closed the door and shouted to come downstairs.

Soon, everyone was downstairs with strange faces that Ruby couldn't understand. Ruby shook it off and started explaining, "Good morning! How's everybody?"

Nobody answered Ruby and Ruby got suspicious on what they could be upset about. She continued, "You guys had a party, right? That is why you are grumpy... Right?"

Again, nobody answered her and Ruby started to get worried, she was about to ask when Magda, she wolf from Ruby's pack, asked, "Why were you with a vampire?"

Ruby was speechless as she had no explanations or excuses for her forbidden meetings with a vampire and not just any vampire but a King vampire. Dylan defended, "Alpha Warzone wouldn't meet with a vampire. It is impossible."

Magda retorted, "I saw with my own eyes. I was taking a run and there she was kissing one of them."

Dylan said enraged, "You are lying."

Finally, Ruby found her voice and said, "It is the truth." Everything stopped, Ruby only could hear her heartbeat slowly stopping. She regained composer and continued which left everyone gasping, "I was kissing a vampire."

Magda showed red eyes and said, "I knew that you were weak and a traitor. You shouldn't be an Alpha."

Ruby's wolf was inflamed with rage for her challenge, she tried to calm her wolf but she was getting angrier and angrier. Magda continued, "Pathetic wolf who thinks is better than us."

Ruby's wolf snapped and showed her glorious crimson eyes and said with a deeper voice, "You dare to challenge me?"

Everybody stayed silent and continued to watch how would play. Magda retorted and said, "I dare to do whatever I want. You are we--"

Magda didn't have time to end the sentence as Ruby was pinning her against a wall with her hands on Magda's throat. Ruby continued, "Let me show you what kind of wolf am I."

Ruby locked her hand on her throat and the other made its way to her heart. She punctured her nails on her heart and felt it beating. She squeezed Magda's heart and Magda's cries surrounded the air. Isaac said loud enough, "Alpha, stop."

Ruby disagreed, "No! This wolf dares to say I am weak?! I am going to show what weak means."

Ruby let go of her throat and heart, and Magda dropped to the ground. She was still coughing for air when Ruby grabbed her blond her and dragged her across the room. Everybody was too speechless by Ruby's reaction as they never had seen her rage. Ruby's wolf took over once again, "I can smell your worthless panic, Magda. What a dreadful name must I say."

Ruby heard a whimper from Magda, but she continued, "When I turned Alpha, I was happy that I wasn't the only monster in the family." Ruby turned to the crowd, "You have seen my kindness, now you will see my wrath." Ruby showed her scary eyes and warned, "If anyone tried to help her, you will be the next."

Ruby's wolf said evilly, "Let the fun begin."

Ruby took the knife from the kitchen and sat near Magda, who had tears on her eyes. Ruby laughed maniacally and cut her left arm in a vertical line and blood started to flood on the ground, next she cut the right arm. Magda was in shock and started to lose consciousness. Ruby stood up and looked at the crown once again and asked, "Anyone else wants to experience my wrath?"

Nobody voiced their answers, instead, they bowed their heads and waited till the next command. Ruby looked at Isaac and Dylan who were bowed in front of her and sighed and through how could she let her angry wolf take over.

Her wolf was angry because of her past with her father, her first pack and then her mates. Ruby said, "Someone take her to the pack doctor."


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