Chapter 37

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The Queen said, "Sit down."

Ruby sat down on the nearby chair and the Queen continued, "I am sure you are wondering why I want to talk to you."

Ruby said, "Yes."

The Queen smiled and said, "Well, it came to my attention that your pack has killers."

Ruby defended, "They were, but now they just want normal lives. They are just misunderstood, sometimes the past is cruel and it leads to making the wrong decisions."

Queen asked, "Everyone is allowed to make mistakes. Tell me did you do ever do any mistakes in your life?"

Ruby said, "Yes, I did."

Queen said, "What would that be?"

Ruby spoke, "That I didn't get a chance to thank my father and my ex-mates."

Queen was surprised by my answer and asked, "The Alphas told me your past, they made you suffer you in so many ways so why would you thank them?"

Ruby said full of emotion, "It's true that they made me suffer but their mistreatment leads me to Elena and my pack. They ended up giving me a gift."

Queen remained quiet while she ingested my words. After some time, she asked to Ruby, "You are so different of the stories that flow around about the rogues."

Ruby smirked, "Someone has to hold everything together and show other rogues that everyone deserves happiness and chaos isn't everything."

Queen sighed and said, "Now I know why you are the Alpha."

Ruby asked, "What do you want from me?"

The Queen continued, "I want your pack to be royal. There's always problems with rogues roaming around, so if you are in charge you can do as you please."

Ruby was shocked by the revelations and asked, "Why is my pack qualified?"

Queen said, "Your pack can kill without any problems."

Ruby defended, "They have changed."

The Queen said, "Maybe, but I need killers to take care of hunters."

Ruby smiled and said, "You should have started with that."

Queen asked, "Why?"

Thinking of the day that Elena almost was killed and some attacks created by the hunters made Ruby say, "I hate hunters and my pack does too."

Queen asked, "So do we have a deal?"

Ruby said, "Before I accept, I need something."

She asked, "What?"

Ruby answered, "If something happens to me, Elena must have a family. Not just any, the one that keeps her safe forever."

Queen nodded, "Of course. Does she mean that much to you?"

Ruby nodded, "Yes, she does."

The Queen wonders, "Alpha Eric and others always hated rogues, but you changed their opinion. They talk so fondly of you and your pack that I doubt sometimes that they ever hated rogues." Ruby didn't say anything and the Queen continued, "So, do we have a deal, Alpha Ruby Warzone?"

Ruby answered, "We have a deal, your majesty."

The Queen nodded with a smile and Ruby stood up, but she stopped in her track when the Queen said, "It is a pity that King Jeremy Lockwood choose that model, you are a better choice."

Ruby turned around and whispered, "What?"

She continued, "I never liked his choices, but he understands the rules, so I can't do anything."

Ruby said, "I don't understand."

The Queen looked at Ruby full of sympathy, "Jeremy Lockwood should have chosen you."

Ruby asked, "How do you know?"

She answered Ruby, "I have people everywhere. You did the right thing, if you ever need help you can tell me."

Ruby confused asked, "Why would you help me?"

The Queen stood up and said, "Because I like you. You are very interesting."

Ruby remained on the same spot and said, "Are you going to tell anyone?"

The Queen shook her head and said, "No, that is your problem but I can make him miserable for you because I have power over him."

Ruby echoed, "Power over him?"

The Queen explained, "Let's say alliance. Just like I have with the wolves, I also have with the vampires."

Ruby asked, "Why would you want to help me?"

The Queen continued, "Like I said you are interesting and you make me remember of someone that I once lost."

Ruby said, "Who?"

The Queen looked in a verge of tears but remained impassive and said, "My sister, she had the same quality as you, being honest. I loved her but she died of a tumour. You remind me of her."

Ruby said with sadness, "I am sorry for your loss."

The Queen wiped her unshed tears and smiled weakly, "It was a long time ago."

Ruby nodded and continued, "Jeremy was a mistake. He always will choose his title over me."

The Queen wished, "I hope that he gets his head right. Everyone deserves someone."

Ruby smiled, "Thank you, my Queen."

They walked out and returned to the living room. The Queen later went a different location, which was unknown to everyone. Before she went outside, she informed that in a week there would have a welcome party to welcome Rogue pack.

The rest of the evening passed with lots of childhood stories and other things that kept Elena and Ruby entertained. Ruby felt that these Alphas weren't so bad and good family members.

However, Ruby knew that there were still secrets that needed to remain that way and anything could change per mere second.


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