Chapter 31

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After the little game that Elena loved to play, she gave her daughter a white dress for dinner. She helped Elena to curl her hair while talking about random things that Ruby loved to hear.

The door was left open and both of them walked in and everybody looked in their direction. Ruby acknowledged her pack members and the Alphas with a smile. The Alphas looked shocked to see a little girl with her and the rest were telling Elena how pretty she looked.

Ruby and Elena made their way to the seats, which were on the side of the table and on the left sat Elena, leaving a line of Alphas sitting on her right. A pack member walked in a bowed her head at Ruby and gave food to both of them, as they were the only ones that didn't get.

Ruby said in a loud voice, "Dig in, everybody."

Everyone started cheering and the blabber started to rise volumes. Taking and joking with each other, while all the Alphas felt out of place.

They were eating in silence and looking around like someone was going to jump at them. Ruby said, "You all can relax."

All nine Alphas looked at Ruby, while others seemed unfazed by Ruby's words. They all nodded and Ben took that opportunity to ask, "Who is this pretty girl?"

Ruby looked at her daughter looking at them with interest and then back to Ben, and said, "How rude of me. This is my daughter, Elena, and Elena, this is the nine Alphas."

Elena asked, "Mummy, are they from that place you last went? Where I saw those beautiful pictures?!"

Ruby nodded but Ben spoke, "Yes, we are. My name is Ben, nice to meet you."

Elena said with a wide smile, "Hello, Ben."

Ruby interrupted, "What did I say about calling older people?"

Elena sighed and said, "Sorry Mummy, I meant uncle Ben."

Ben retorted, "Am I that old?"

Ruby smirked while looking at him, "Older than her."

Jacob asked, "Does she call everyone uncles and aunts?"

Ruby nodded and said, "Yes. Everyone here is a family."

Jacob was about to say something, when Dylan said, "Alpha, we are going out."

Ruby scoffed, "You all better not come home drunk and make a ruckus. I hope you all remember what happened the last time."

Ruby could see the impact she made on all her pack members. That was because the last time they weren't allowed to sleep in their quarters, but outside, on the ground to be exact.

Ruby had witnessed people still parties and kissing all over her pack house and when she sent everyone to beds, everybody refused. Thus, Ruby punished but that it lasted for three nights.

Dylan bowed his head and said, "Yes, Alpha."

Ruby said, "Go."

They nodded with large smiles and they started to walk towards the door. Ruby shouted, "Get home safe."

They all acknowledged her concern and Ruby could feel stares from the Alphas back and forwards. After everyone left, leaving Ruby, Elena and the nine Alphas, Elena asked, "Mummy, can I go with them?"

Ruby shook her head rapidly, "Absolutely not."

Elena started, "But Mummy--"

Ruby decided to change topics, and ignoring the firm stares from the Alphas, "Where is Shelly?"

Shelly said from the door, "I am here."

Elena got up from her chair and run to her, while shouting, "Grandma."

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