Chapter 13

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I looked at the screen seeing Barry appear all over the city faster than usual. It took us a moment to realize it wasn't actually Barry running. I looked at just how fast he was moving and realized it must have been because of the thing he was battling.

"Amazing" I mutter to myself "I've never seen anything move so fast. I mean Barry is fast but not this fast... yet of course" i say noticing everyone else was looking at me with a raised brow

"Look, it stopped he's at the waterfront" Cisco says looking back to the screen

"We have to get to him" Iris says quickly

"And what then?" I say out loud

"He's fighting an invisible force-" Cisco says

"It seems to be one against one, what if it was three against one?" HR says

I looked at Caitlin knowing what he meant

"Cisco you can open a breach and get you both to-" Iris says

"No" I quickly cut her off

"Guys I can't it's too dangerous" Caitlin says

"She's not going. We don't know what will happen if she uses her powers" I say

"I'm begging you please" Iris says "Lana you love him I know you do and I know you don't want him to die"

"You don't know what this could do to Caitlin and I'm not going to risk it" I say "it doesn't matter that I lo-" I then stay quiet

"It's okay" Caitlin says putting a hand on mine

"I know you all have never really listened to me, but you don't know what this can do to you" I say

"I have to, it's the right thing to do" she says

They were quick. Cisco grabbed his goggles and they stood in the center of the room as Cisco opened a breach.

"Just be careful" I tell Caitlin as they jump into the breach

Everything happened so fast. They were gone and a little while later they had all come back just as quickly.

Barry was safe and in one piece but my worry was Caitlin after what mom had said of course I was worried. After we walked back into the cortex she told me what our mom had told her. If she continued to use her powers it would be harder for her to stop. And after just getting her back I was not willing to lose her just as fast.

Joe had come back with Wally in this form of a cocoon and I could tell everyone was stressing about what exactly was happening. I walked in with Caitlin, Cisco, and Barry into the med bay so Caitlin could run some tests on Cisco.

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