Chapter 29

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It was a beautiful day.

I sat on the bench outside of the small house. The tall trees swayed slightly as the wind blew past them. The bright green grass was freshly cut and I could smell it in the air. Then in the distance not too far from the small house I could see the lake.

Damon sat on the edge of the grass looking down into the water. He grabbed rocks from the edge and threw them into the water as he tried to skip them.

I sat next to Bette who was also watching Damon. "He's very easy to love" she says

I inhale and smile. "Yeah he is"

She then turns from him to look at me. "You look better, almost fully healed on the outside" she says

I touch my face and the fading bruises. "It's easier to heal the outside than it is the inside." I tell her

I turn to face her and see her nod her head. From the way she looks at me I know she wants to say so much more but she doesn't.

"You've been here for a while now" she tells me

"Are you kicking me out?" I chuckled

"No of course not" she laughs then clears her throat "but there's a reason for it isn't there?"

"Barry's mad" I simply tell her

"I'd be surprised if he wasn't. You almost died Lana, it's normal for your fiancée to worry about your safety" she says "that's what it means to love someone. Or are you going to tell me you don't worry about him when he's in danger"

"Of course I worry," I say to her.

But there is so much more I want to tell her also. I would love to be open with how I'm really feeling but I can't. There were only two people who I told every single thing to and one of them was dead, the other well I might as well believe he was dead also.

Instead I told her the easiest excuse I could. "-I just don't think he wants me there" It was easier to expect people to push me away and if I were to tell someone that was the reason i know they'd believe me. It was easier than explaining the truth.

"He loves you Lana. He's going to get over it but how are you going to work on it if you're all the way out here?" she says lifting her hands to move it around us

Then I tell her what has been at the back of my head. "What if he doesn't want to because of-" I say looking out to Damon "what if he thinks it's too much?"

"He was going to be a father Lana of course he's ready" she tells me "and if he doesn't then it's his loss. You can do it on your own, you're a strong woman. But, trust me he will love you and Damon"

I found myself nodding at what she said knowing it was the truth. If ever it were to not work out i knew I'd be fine because i always am. I turn back to the house hearing my phone ring.

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