Chapter 26

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I felt tired.

I slowly opened my eyes to see I was in a room. I turned to my side, seeing a woman I haven't seen before. I began to feel panic inside as I remembered what had happened. I quickly reached over to take out the needle sticking into my arm. I began to move from the bed as the lady rushed to my side trying to calm me.

"You're fine, you're safe" she says

The doors quickly opened as Bette, Leo, and even Joe rushed in.

"Lana you're okay!" Bette says trying to calm me

I could feel their hands hold me down as I felt a small pinch on my arm. I quickly turn to see Leo injecting a sedative on my arm.

"Lana. You're safe" I could hear joe say

Slowly I began to grow tired. I looked around the room and the panic slowly began to fade.

"I'm alive?" I found myself saying

It came out barely a whisper as they all came closer to make sure they had heard right.

"Yes. You're alive" Bette says

Right before I was back into the darkness of my own thoughts I could have sworn I heard a young boy's voice. "Is she okay-"

☆ ☆ ☆

Once again I opened my eyes seeing I was in the same room I had previously woken up in. I turned to the side, seeing a small boy laying beside me.

I moved my hand and placed it over Damon's small frame. He instantly woke up and sat up looking at me.

"I was so scared" he says carefully hugging me

I winced at the sharp pain on my shoulder but hugged him back. The doors once again opened and everyone else walked in.

"How are you feeling?" Joe asked

"Better than when you found me" I try and smile

"I'm just glad you're alive" he says

"Come Damon why don't we let Lana rest" Leo says gesturing for Damon to take his hand

"I can't rest now. We have to take action. Now is our chance our only chance" I say trying to sit up

They tried to get me to sit but I ignored all the pain I felt and stood up.

"I'm fine" I say pushing everyone's hands away "I'm fine" I smile down looking at Damon "I need to do this now I don't want to be running I want to be safe and I want Damon to come home with me we need to do this now" I say

"We can get you something for the pain. It's a mild sedative to numb all pain it won't interfere with your ability to fight" Leo says "we've been working it for a while now"

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