Chapter 21

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We all continued walking as we went deeper and deeper into the woods. Sarah and Leo in the lead as he held a gun to her. Bette and I walked right behind them. It wasn't long after when we saw the mountain Sarah spoke of. On top of it looked to be a hideout house built into it.

"If he isn't there then he will be at the hideout" Sarah says pointing to the mountains

"When this is over with I'm giving you a way out" I say fixing my weapons and not looking at her "that is if you want it but I'll let you know now, i can't let you go back to AliPhil not after today"

"I'm pretty sure everyone wants a way out" she says back

"You'll stay here with Bette" I tell her

Bette hands Leo and I an ear piece and then we begin hiking up the mountain. I could feel the cold air hit my face as we were getting closer to the top. It had been so long since the last time I had been out in the open and I had to admit it felt good.

"Who builds a hideout in the mountains?" I can hear Leo say from behind me

I chuckle at his statement as we both continue to walk up. I could hear his heavy breathing and I turned to face him. "How are you so out of shape? You run an organization of assassins for goodness sakes" I chuckle

"It's mostly a long distance run if they try to run, but this- this is different. Anyone would get tired" he says looking at me then rolling his eyes, "well anyone but you"

"Uhu" I say

Once we reach the top we stop. Once we are far enough to where we couldn't be seen. We dropped the little things we had carried with us and I pulled out the gun I had in my holster.

I began to grab other things in my bag and began to piece the sniper rifle together. Once it was ready I set it down and sat beside it. I looked into it and saw the people on the mountain.

"So-" Leo says trying to steady his breathing "how's life back at home?"

I turned to look at him with a questioning look and he continued.

"I mean why are you doing this alone? Well not alone because we're here. But alone without the flash?" He asks

"They trust me" I say

"That's new?" He says

"It's a working progress" I say "it's something we've all just began to do"

"So you're telling me that your sister and Barry aren't worried about what you're doing right now? They do know you're here right?"

"Not my exact location no" I tell him

"So you don't completely trust them" he says "enough to tell them where you were going to be"

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