Reads: How to get more

83.9K 2.3K 3.1K

So, how do you increase your reads?

Here are five tips to help you out:

1. Expand your exposure by engaging with the Wattpad community: the more you interact with others, the more connections to your profile you create. Be friendly: compliment works you enjoy through comments, support fellow users by adding their works to your reading lists and, as long as you do it politely, there's no problem with asking others to read your work. On the same note, explain Wattpad to anyone in your life with an interest in writing- spread the word; if they also enjoy it here, they can support your works.

2. Be open to learning and improving as a writer an creative. From the quality of your writing style to graphical aspects like front covers, make the most of this guide as a tool to aid your writing. As you develop through learning and improve, reads are bound to follow.

3. Avoid replicating popular narratives to get 'noticed'. Don't let the desire for reads affect your writing. Write what you want to write with originality, not what typically gets attention. If you're focused on something you enjoy, the writing will no doubt be better quality. 

4. Finally, have patience. Unfortunately, getting reads is hardly instantaneous: it can take time. For example, a recently published story could take weeks of promotion to start gaining attention. 

However, there are still aspects within your control: engage with the Wattpad community, be open to improvement, write with originality and be patient.

If you're stuck on something more specific, here there's 60+ chapters on various topics from Wattpad 'fame' to writing techniques!

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