Consistency is Key

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Be consistent with writing, uploading, character's, theme/s, plot and story overall.

Write regularly to stay motivated and familiar with your ongoing writing.

Upload regularly or even a whole finished story at once.

To maintain an audience and ensure you finish your work.

Keep your character/s motivations, personality and actions conducive with each other.

Every action they take, every interaction or decision made should reflect a predetermined personality with interesting, distinctive traits.

Choose a theme or mood for your story to act as a common undertone affecting interactions and descriptions.

For example, 'sadsness', 'regret', 'motivation for a better life'

A theme should taint each chapter, making your story consistent.

Make plot-lines well-timed to maintain pace as a part of consistency.

Don't have too little plot content to hook readers in, or too much that you'll burn yourself out.

Consistency is key.

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