Starting a Story

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The very start of a new work should grip a reader in. Meaning an opening sentence, first paragraph or first chapter needs to hook and impress.

Here are effective ways to begin a story:

1. A short, abrupt sentence with little detail encourages an audience's attention to read on and find answers.

2. Speech throws the reader straight into an interaction. An active start rather than passive.

3. It should begin in action. This action provides an instant hook into your story line. Try to avoid passive, generic, unoriginal starting-points of 'waking up in the morning' Etc.

4. The action to start can be: confrontational, a decision being made, flashback's, nightmare's or dream's. Anything that gives the reader an insight to the characters mind.

5. The action or drama should come with strong emotion/s. Something intense to kick off your narrative. Readers will learn more about the character/s from their reaction to problems or stress inducing situations, for example.

6. Launch in, but don't overwhelm readers with too much information. For example, turn a character's pasts into hints and hooks creating intrigue. Instead of telling the reader direct experiences that shaped or negatively affected a character, show the consequences of those experiences and work backwards, leaving a reader wanting to know their past. Don't rush into anything early, when your reader doesn't even know the character as more than a stranger.

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