Synonyms + Antonyms

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Synonyms are words that are different but have the same meaning.

If you find you're repeating the same words too often, use a synonym instead.

They can also be a great tool for replacing uninteresting language with more unique alternatives to make your style stand out.

For example, if something is 'boring' use words like 'tedious', 'dull', 'mundane' or 'tiresome' instead to display a wider vocabulary.

You can use online thesaurus' to identify synonyms.

Or just type the word followed by 'synonym' into google.

Synonyms prevent your vocabulary from becoming repetitive and uninteresting to read, offering you an abundance of alternatives to engage readers with interesting language.

While on the topic of synonyms, I thought I'd also mention antonyms.

Antonyms are the opposite to synonyms in that they're words with the opposite meaning.

E.g. 'good' and 'bad', 'loud' and 'quiet' .

Less helpful for story writing but interesting to know all the same.

Do you use synonyms often?

I try to use them a lot in my writing.

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