Rankings and Tags

7.1K 312 511

Rankings on Wattpad go from 1000-1 in each genre under 'hot', 'rising' and 'new'. But there are also rankings for Tags.

Ranks will appear below the description of your story, when viewing it on your profile.

If you click it you'll be able to see other tags you've given your story.

You can add tags on the same page as you add your title and description in editing.

Try to pick popular tags that are also relevant to your writing as there is a maximum number you can add.

Rankings can draw more attention to a story, as more people can find it.

So how can you reach the rankings?

Well, its largely based on an algorithm determined by how many people are reading the story and how quickly they're doing so.

Meaning someone who getting 100 reads in 10 minutes might be a higher ranking that someone who has 2 million but is inactive long-term. Be active in editing your story and increase attention by engaging with the Wattpad community.

See chapters reads, votes, comments and reading requests + promoting stories for more.

For example, this guide was in the top 10 of non-fiction and maintained its place, plummeting lower when I was inactive. 

Feel free to promote your story/books on any chapter of this guide, I'm happy to help!

Reaching a rank can be easier for a completed book. It also makes sense that Wattpad's most rated would be finished stories. But, this is no definite. This guide will probably never be completed and has still reached the rankings.

Definitely check out the rankings, especially for those in the genres of your own books. Others might have a common cover theme that you could take inspiration from or decide to draw more attention to yourself by doing the opposite of everyone else.

It's important to remember that each genre will have a different amount of stories in it on Wattpad. So, in a broad genre like teen fiction or poetry it will be harder to get a ranking than a more specific genre like werewolf or anime. Because more books will be entered into the broader categories to begin with, meaning there's more to compete with.

Finally, flick through this guide and use it to help improve the quality of you stories, front covers and writing style. There's over 50 chapters and I'd encourage you to read as many as are relevant to you.

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