Upload Schedules

985 51 13

I don't agree with upload schedules. I know the can be motivating, but they can be equally as demotivating, with an unnecessary pressure to upload the first draft quickly, without fully editing or reading through it in full. I've tried sticking to upload schedules of maybe twice a week before, but soon it goes down to once a week and then every other week, and then I stop writing the story.

By sticking to a semi-strict upload schedule, you're almost taking away the fun of writing a hobby and making it into a task that has to be completed. If I start think of writing as a task, not only will I not enjoy it as much and the stuff I produce won't be as good, but I'll also lose that fundamental enjoyment of writing, which is why I do it in the first place.

Although, I know upload schedules can actually motivate some people to write because by turning it into a task, your turning it into something you have an obligation to regularly do.

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