Profile: How to format a good one (profile pic, cover photo & bio)

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As with followers, designing an appealing profile is seemingly superficial in comparison to your works and writing technique improvement. Therefore, it isn't worth too much time investment, in comparison to writing.

While considering this, having an aesthetically balanced profile is still desirable and could lead to community interest like followers, for example, who might share similar interests linked to mentioned Fandom's

Here are 3 tips to help you design a good profile

1.  Using fairly simple, clear images for profile pictures and cover photos is best. Indecipherable graphics aren't going to lend your profile the sense of identity you want. 

2. Leading on from this, use something others can identify with, that represents you, like images relating to a film or TV show you enjoy, offering that sense of identity. Or at the the least, an aspect of your personality is relatable to others. On this note, images that link to your works work, especially stories based on fandom's i.e. shared interests. For example, if your profile picture relates to a certain TV show character you love and you then comment on someone's work, anyone who comes across the comment and knows the character has the opportunity to visit your profile.

3. If you're not really the fandom type, your profile picture can simply be a clear image of yourself. This attaches a face to your profile, in association, as a content producer.

4. Short bios with bullet points that are easier to digest than chunks of writing, meaning people are more likely to read them. List your interests and what country you're from Etc.

Just in case you didn't know, profile picture dimensions can be no larger than 512 x 512 pixels and for cover photos 1920 x 600 pixels.

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