The Trolls

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Once upon that board walk dreary

The one we used to know

A troll lived there all bright and cheery

Well this we didn't want to know

He has a dragon friend as well

Although it was quite small

You could roast marshmallows on its side

And boil water for the troll

Whose crusty teeth stuck out at front

To big to fit away

Inside it's mouth so small

As to seem not there at all

In front of this trolls knoll

There were some bones there on display

But sadly no tracks led away

For all guests came it stay

You see all guests became

Quite a fare for this troll

Now to tell

This cave was quite small

Not very tall for a troll

Hardly any room at all

The dragon there it stood

Against a nearby tree

Trying to write a word

Beginning with the letter P

When what should appear

But only a little deer

(There, there, dear)

Not quite a bright one though,

That's seen in latter light

This troll having seen this deer

Did coax it into the cave

To hear a little rhyme

All about the number nine

Rhyme as told by the troll

Nine was the number that spoke

At the beginning of the joke

Eight replied from the frenzy in the hay

Seven were all that got to heaven

After the troll had its way

Six got picked to bits

And put on tiny bits of sticks

Five tried to leave my cave

But found it blocked by dragon skin

Four were all that got to the door

Three were the only ones left who got caught

As the dragon sought to block the way

That left two right out of the blue

That got away on that fateful day

And now, dear deer

I'm as hungry as I was then

To eat another ten

But I suppose one will have to do

And I'm sorry to say

That one will be you ! ! ! ! !







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