City Tastes.

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This city feeling is so hard

Upon the new boom country lad

As he arrives at gate 13

Dressed up in all his city clean new cloths

Then as he checks the taxi stand

A Rolls struts by all proud and grand

And he imagines with his eye

Himself in that car driving by

But truth participates not of this scene

Of city life and country dreams

Of teaming people, all aghast

With strange new features and strange new sights

Oh city boy don't lose your cool

In this place bogged down in its own sweat

Take home the dreams and desires you'll find here

Don't see the loneliness near your elbow

Drunks on gutter sides-walks asleep

Policemen down dark alleys creep

The judges of men in their Mercedes drive

Forgetting poverty, not seeing their own demise

Old men with beards of flowing white

Ignored by youth, no wisdom sought

Forgetting God, denying life

But you go back your country lad

To life on farm

It's not so bad

Even if drought kills all your stock

And floods leave you homeless

Removed from all pollution's sight

You have clean air, fresh bread, and life

Yet poverty, pain and drowning rain

Are not exclusive to the city

They can happen anywhere

Even to Gods faithful people

Weather you believe or not

Disasters come, testing all

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