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The subtle sting

The twisted knife

A broken heart

An empty life

The smoker's cough

The rusty nail

A shallow lake

On which to sail

The burning sun

Reflected moon

A howling dog

Unfinished tune

A purple flower

The bright green grass

A lovers tiff

But it don't last

Long lonely walks

A quickening stream

Some deafening talk

A bowl of cream

Broad sweeping plains

The bleat of sheep

A water tower

Old men asleep

A sunny day

The blackest night

A perfect sphere

Transparent light

The touch of love

Another's scorn

A leg of ham

And lovers mourn

A perfect rose

And blood is red

A donkey's brag

Sun, setting, dead,

A temple spire

Some men in black

A forest fire

A burnt out track

All these things

Do I see

In the mirror

That is Me.

Poems in the DarkWhere stories live. Discover now