Bow Hunting

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Secret songs of mighty power

Waves crash forth and all devour

Shaft is long and tip is sharp

As bow song rings out from the dark

Light the light that doesn't burn

Let's sing the song that doesn't turn

Then from the woods the shout rings out

Telling all theirs game about

The hunter's eye is quick and keen

Just like a falcon on its game

As single fletch streaks from the dark

To down the bore whose tusks are great

Single arrow decides your fate

Hunting, ones only dread

To miss the game to which the shaft has fled

So practice good and practice hard

So you can count on daily bread

Sing secret songs of mighty power

As bow relaxes and devours

        'The games afoot '

           'Aye ! Their all on display '

             'Quiver be full ?'

                'Aye '

                  'Then hunting be good ' he shouted

As to the woods the archers strode

Singing secret songs of mighty power

Into the woods there to devour !

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